Unit 6 Do you like bananas?


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 6 Do you like bananas? Section A By Uthaitip Kuppiya

Studying aims 1.We learn some new words about fruit, vegetables and food. 2.We talk about likes and dislikes. eg. -Do you like bananas? -Yes,I do.I like bananas.

1 2 orange oranges -Do you like oranges ? strawberries ? -Yes , I do.I like oranges. -No ,I don’t.I don’t like strawberries. 3 4 strawberry strawberries

1 2 pears pear -Do you like pears? bananas ? -Yes , I do.I like bananas. -No ,I don’t.I don’t like pears. 3 4 banana bananas

2 1 tomato tomatoes -Do you like broccoli? tomatoes? -Yes , I do. I like tomatoes. -No ,I don’t.I don’t like broccoli. 3 broccoli

-Yes, I do. I like hamburgers. 1 2 hamburger hamburgers -Do you like hamburgers? -Yes, I do. I like hamburgers. -No ,I don’t.I don’t like French fries. 3 French fries? French fries

2 1 ice cream salad salad? -Do you like ice cream? -Yes, I do.I like ice cream. -No ,I don’t.I don’t like salad.

Do you remember them? pears bananas strawberries oranges tomatoes hamburgers French fries salad ice cream broccoli

Listening practice: A: Do you like salad B: No, I don’t. 2 Listen and number [1-3]. A: Do you like salad B: No, I don’t. 2 A: Do you like bananas? B: Yes, I do. 1 A: Do you like oranges? B: Yes, I do. 3

pairwork: Do it like this: Yes,I do.I like pears. Do you like pears? 3 2 6 1 4 5

Listening practice: Listen and circle the food you hear . hamburger pears broccoli French fries oranges ice cream salad bananas

Listening practice: Fill in the blanks: have do hamburgers ice cream don’t broccoli hamburgers 1.I like hamburgers.-Do you like______________? -Yes,I _______. 2.-Do you like______________? -No, I _______like broccoli. 3.-Let’s_________ ice cream. -No? I don’t like___________. do broccoli don’t have ice cream

Project Pair work 看看你的同学喜欢(或不喜欢)什么食物?

Fun time Does he like …?

Fun time Does she like…?

oranges? pears. -Does she like -Yes, she does. She likes French fries. French fries? pears? oranges.

tomatoes. strawberries. broccoli. tomatoes? strawberries? broccoli? -Does he like -No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t like

summary: 1.We learn some new words about fruit, vegetables and food. 2.We talk about likes and dislikes.

Homework: 1.Revise the new words about fruit,vegetables and food. 2.Have a report about what your friends like or dislike

Thank you and goodbye!