Conflict Resolution Skills Ch 14, Lesson 2
EQ: Explain the process of conflict resolution and the role of tolerance in preventing conflict Objectives Explain the role of tolerance in preventing conflict Explain the negotiation process Describe the basic steps that occur during a mediation session
Conflict Resolution The process of ending a conflict by cooperating and problem solving together
Conflict Resolution 3 Interpersonal skills required for conflict resolution: Communication Cooperation Compromise
The 3 R’s of Conflict Resolution Respect Rights Responsibility Respect: when you give respect you are more likely to get respect listen with an open mind consider the other person’s views Rights: no one owns anyone no one has the right to harm another person or their property right to privacy Responsibility: - take responsibility for your actions (look at what your part in the conflict)
Tolerance Accepting others’ differences without expressing disproval When people practice tolerance of other’s view points, there are fewer conflicts
Negotiation A process in which compromise is used to reach agreement There is no blame in negotiation. Negotiation involves talking, listening, considering the other person’s point of view, compromising if necessary and coming up with a plan to resolve the conflict. There is no blame in negotiation. Instead, talk about what is needed to solve the problem at hand. Make sure the issue is important to you Check your facts, maybe the disagreement is based on something not even true Remind yourself of the goal – to find a solution, not to fight or be “in control” Rehearse what you will say
Conflict Resolution: Steps to Take When Negotiating 1. Choose a time and place Work together at a solution Keep an open mind 4. Be flexible Take responsibility for your part in the conflict 6. Give the person an “out”
Mediation Specially trained people help others to resolve their conflicts peacefully Skills needed: problem-solving Communication Negotiation
Mediation Process A trained mediator listens to both sides in a neutral location and helps them to listen to and work with one another in finding resolution to the conflict
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