Getting the Most from Academic Advising


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Presentation transcript:

Getting the Most from Academic Advising More than ‘tell me what class to take’

Your Academic Advisor All Brenau students are assigned a faculty adviser when they enroll. This Advisor is in their major or in a related department. Specific advisers are also designated for undecided majors. Students should consult their adviser with any academic questions or concerns. All students should consult a current Brenau catalog for information and policies related to their course of study.

Not just ‘what class should I take’ Academic advising is a developmental process, which assists students in the clarification of their life and career goals and in the development of educational plans for the realization of this goal through the careful consideration of a student’s plan of study.

Decision Making Advising is a decision-making process by which students realize their maximum educational potential through communication and information exchanges with an adviser; it is continuous, multifaceted, and the responsibility of both student and adviser.

Facilitator of Communication By considering all aspects of a student’s life, the adviser serves as a facilitator of communication, a coordinator of learning experiences that takes place both inside and outside the classroom through course and career planning and academic progress review, and as an agent of referral to other campus agencies as necessary.

At Least once a Semester… All students should meet with their academic advisor at least once a semester, more as needed. Academic Support – Students who are placed on academic probation may be required to meet or participate in supportive academic activities.

You can find your advisor’s contact information in CampusWeb under Biographic Info. Or Go To Brenau's Web Site for Academic Advising For General Contact Information