WOC Experience sharing Jørn Sundby, IOF WOC SEA 2014-2017 IOF SEA TV/Arena 2017-
Organiser – Adviser/Controlling team The process from early draft to final solution… The obstacles on the way there… The discussions… The priorities… The decisions… The tools for a smooth process… The experiences from all of you… How will YOU solve it, if…?
WOC 2016, Tanum/Strömstad, Sweden MIDDLE DISTANCE, TUESDAY 23 AUGUST 2016
A lot to think about… Things to solve: Place for start. Must be practical from drop-off to start line. TV shall be here. TV wants nice views. Noise from high way? Arena already decided. Arena passage or not? Some said YES!, some said NO! WOC Tour to be held BEFORE WOC-event, not all in WOC-Tour can finish before first WOC-start… Many landowners, some difficult. No agreement with one, controls moved. Refreshment needed- arena too late on course. No refreshment on TV-controls. TV after approx 10 minutes and 20-25 minutes in different forests. Cable routes. At least 1-1.30 section with coverage. TV-coverage needs pre-time 0.45-1.30 before first camera appearance. Stretched on TV1!! Only one access road to the arena, to be crossed by courses. New highway- only one realistic crossing point. Arena looked like a NASA-construction site A lot to think about… WOC-tour race TV-timing (19) Difficult landowner TV- pre time (18) TV 2, 18-19 TV-pre time (24) Refreshment (16) New High-way, construction work Photo (20+25) TV arena passage + 25-finish Only access road TV- pre time (8) Arena passage or not on the courses? TV-timing (11) TV 1 (9-11) Photo (planned-not used) Start, TV AND THE COURSE MUST BE ABSOLUTELY WORLD CLASS! Drop off, pre start
Technical, demanding, tough Denser forest, but runnable Very open, fast, easy «Dead» running Too far away… Varied terrain, slope, route choice? Technical, detailed More terrain on other side of highway? Demanding, tough
Warm-up/pre start in conflict with WOC-Tour? Early approx. draft of course (6,3km) First TV (10mins) furthest away from arena. (Well, worked in Long…) 1,5km with really nice, but open and easy terrain Really the best concept?
Important task for SEA-team is to «challenge» the chosen concepts. Communication important! Allowing time for concept development
Last loop is 1km+… Decision: Keep arena passage Decision: Move start to the south Reaches southern area, but 6,3km…Women won’t make it…
Important factors and tools Start on common ground Involve the right people at the right time OC with well defined decision makers Controlling team with well defined responsibilities Embrace open and «colourful» discussions! Assume that others have different view of the outcome of discussion Testing – evaluation. First event «always» failes… Take decisions- and move on! Make documentation of decisions and tests. Written communication!
Important factors and tools There’s enough green grass for everyone – Keep course planners in the stable for a while «Use» people with special skills for all they’re worth Remind yourself all the time that you all have the same goal Be positive- Have fun BULLETINS!! EVENT PLAN!!
Event plan Reference in Partnership Agreement Key document for detailing implementation Steering document for planning All items to be approved by SEA Dynamic document, signed by Event director and SEA Reviewed in detail at every SEA-team visit
The Event Plan, contents
The Event Plan, detail Time keeping and punching system testing plan: Will be tested at Test details Punching April 2-3rd Time-keeping June 9th Results mgmt The technical systems will be tested at 4 competitions in the WOC district from April 2nd to June 12th 2016. This include all disciplines, including sprint relay.