Overview of Architecture Assembly Programming Concepts Embedded Systems Programming Overview of Architecture and Assembly Programming Concepts
AVR Architecture Overview Instruction execution Registers Contents AVR Architecture Overview Instruction execution Registers Addressing modes (will be covered in brief) Status register and Flags Stack pointer
AVR Architecture Overview – Simplified block diagram There is a wide variety of I/O logic and ports to enable very flexible interfacing to the monitored / controlled system. I/O The heart of the microcontroller is a CPU. This executes instructions and controls the other functional blocks. CPU The address, data and control busses enable the various functional blocks to communicate. Address / data / control Clocks / Timing Various clock sources and timer options are provided. On-chip memory simplifies deployment and enables fast access. Memory 3 Embedded Systems Programming II Richard Anthony, Computer Science, The University of Greenwich
AVR Architecture Overview – Device family There are four general groups of AVR devices: tinyAVRs: 1-8 kB program memory, 8-32-pin package, Limited I/O support. megaAVRs: 4-256 kB program memory, 28-100-pin package, Larger instruction set (e.g. Multiply, and special instructions for addressing larger program memories), Extensive I/O support . XMEGA: 16-256 kB program memory, 44-100-pin package, Enhanced performance (e.g. DMA and cryptography), Extensive I/O support, including DAC. Application specific AVRs: These are megaAVRs with special in-built features including: LCD controller; USB controller; advanced PWM; CAN support (Controller Area Network) etc. Further information is available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmel_AVR Embedded Systems Programming II Richard Anthony, Computer Science, The University of Greenwich
Instruction execution The AVR instructions are mostly very simple and mostly execute in a single clock cycle. The current instruction execute and the next instruction fetch are performed in parallel. This has several impacts: Approximately 1 MIP per 1 MHz is achieved, Execution timing calculations / predictions for code are much simpler. 5 Embedded Systems Programming II Richard Anthony, Computer Science, The University of Greenwich
The General Purpose Registers There are 32 8-bit general purpose registers: R0 – R31 (data value 0 - 255) Sometimes these are used in pairs to make a 16-bit register, written as Rn+1:Rn (where Rn+1 holds the upper byte and Rn holds the lower byte). (data value 0 – 65535; 0x00:0x00 - 0xFF:0xFF; e.g. 0x04:0x00 = 1024) The ALU is designed for register contents manipulation, thus all destination operands (and many source operands) are registers. Most instructions behave the same for all registers, but there are some instructions which only work with a subset, some examples include: Instruction Register subset Adiw, Sbiw R24:R25, R26:R27, R28:R29, R30:R31 Andi, Cpi, Ldi, Muls R16 – R31 Spm R1:R0 6 Embedded Systems Programming II Richard Anthony, Computer Science, The University of Greenwich
Instruction syntax, coding format and memory image (RJMP example) Actual instruction is RJMP 0x020 (The .org 0x020 directive places the ‘INIT’ label at program address 0x020) Actual offset is 0x01F program memory places because the PC is already pointing to the instruction address after the current one (which is address 0x001). So RJMP 0x020 is coded as: 1100 0000 0001 1111 Program address 0x020 is actual memory address 0x040 because each program address must hold an instruction (2 bytes each). Upper byte = 0xC0 Lower byte = 0x1F
Addressing Modes – Overview ‘Addressing Mode’ refers to the way in which the operands are provided to an instruction, and the way they are used. Key terms: ‘Immediate’ - a constant numeric value, ‘Direct’ - the value held in a register, ‘Indirect’ - the contents of one or more registers are used to provide the address of the data value, ‘Offset’ or ‘Displacement’ - a value added to an address stored in a register, to provide an index to the data. There are four classes of addressing supported by the AVR: Register addressing – direct manipulation of register contents, Data addressing – storage / retrieval of data values (SRAM, including to/from the general purpose registers), Program Memory addressing – reading writing to Flash or EEPROM, I/O addressing – access to the special registers for I/O and configuration of peripheral controllers. 8 Embedded Systems Programming II Richard Anthony, Computer Science, The University of Greenwich
Addressing Modes – Special roles of General Purpose registers Six of the general purpose registers are also used to support the indirect addressing modes. For this purpose they are organised as three pairs, X, Y and Z (each 16 bits). X = R27(upper byte): R26(lower byte) Y = R29(upper byte): R28(lower byte) Z = R31(upper byte): R30(lower byte) 9 Embedded Systems Programming II Richard Anthony, Computer Science, The University of Greenwich
Addressing Mode – Register Direct (single register Rd) The operation acts on the register specified, without further operands. Only 32 registers are supported, hence the Rd operand is only 5 bits. Examples: Inc R17 Clr R18 8-bit Register Direct update 10 Embedded Systems Programming II Richard Anthony, Computer Science, The University of Greenwich
Addressing Mode – Register Direct (two registers Rd and Rr, or one register and an 8-bit immediate value) The operation acts on the two registers specified, without further operands. Examples: Add R12,R15 Or R17, R23 Ldi R16, 0xFF Number 8-bit Register 11 Embedded Systems Programming II Richard Anthony, Computer Science, The University of Greenwich
Addressing Mode – I/O Direct The operation acts on the register specified and the I/O address specified. Only 64 I/O addresses are supported, hence the ‘A’ operand is only 6 bits. (Note: in the examples below, the I/O address is specified by the I/O register name which is defined in the microcontroller-specific include file). Examples: In R18, PIND Out PORTA, R22 I/O address or Port 8-bit Register 12 Embedded Systems Programming II Richard Anthony, Computer Science, The University of Greenwich
Addressing Mode – Data Direct The operation acts on the register specified and the 16-bit data-space address specified. Examples: Lds R18, 0x0100 (Load direct from data space) Sts 0x0101, R22 (Store direct to data space) Number Address Memory location 8-bit Register Number Address Memory location 8-bit Register 13 Embedded Systems Programming II Richard Anthony, Computer Science, The University of Greenwich
Addressing Mode – Data Indirect The operation moves data between the register specified and the 16-bit data-space address specified by either X, Y or Z. X, Y, or Z is left unchanged. Examples: St X, R16 (register X: R27 = high, R26 = low) As in: Ldi R27, 0x00 Ldi R26, 0x68 Ldi R16, 0x81 St X, R16 16-bit Register Address Memory location 8-bit Register Address Memory location 8-bit Register 16-bit Register 14 Embedded Systems Programming II Richard Anthony, Computer Science, The University of Greenwich
Addressing Mode – Data Indirect with Displacement Moves data between the register specified and the 16-bit data-space address specified by either Y or Z, plus the displacement. Y or Z is left unchanged. Examples: Std Y+1, R17 (Y: R29=high, R28=low) As in: Ldi r29, 0x00 Ldi r28, 0x70 Ldi R17,0x18 Std Y+1, R17 (displacement is 1 in this example) 16-bit Register + Number Address Memory location 8-bit Register Address Memory location 8-bit Register 16-bit Register + Number 15 Embedded Systems Programming II Richard Anthony, Computer Science, The University of Greenwich
Addressing Mode – Data Indirect with Pre-decrement The operation moves data between the register specified and the 16-bit data-space address specified by either X, Y or Z, minus 1. X, Y or Z is decremented before the data access occurs. Example: St -Z, R18 As in: Ldi r31, 0x01 (Z: R31=high, R30=low) Ldi r30, 0x7F (will count down from this address) Ldi R18, 0x55 (store in address 0x017E) 16-bit Register Address Memory location 8-bit Register -- Address Memory location 8-bit Register 16-bit Register -- 16 Embedded Systems Programming II Richard Anthony, Computer Science, The University of Greenwich
Addressing Mode – Data Indirect with Post-increment The operation moves data between the register specified and the 16-bit data-space address specified by either X, Y or Z. X, Y or Z is incremented after the data access occurs. Example: St Z+, R19 As in: Ldi r31, 0x02 (Z: R31=high, R30=low) Ldi r30, 0x40 (will count up from this address) Ldi R19, 0xA4 (store in address 0x0240) 16-bit Register Address Memory location 8-bit Register ++ Address Memory location 8-bit Register 16-bit Register ++ 17 Embedded Systems Programming II Richard Anthony, Computer Science, The University of Greenwich
Signed and Unsigned arithmetic An 8-bit register contains a value between 0 and 255 Unsigned - the full range 0 – 255 is required (assumed +ve values) 0b00000001 = 1 0b011111111 = 127 (128 – 1) 0b11000000 = 192 (128 + 64) 0b10000001 = 129 (128 + 1) Signed – first bit holds sign bit, remaining 7 bits hold value 0b00000001 = +1 (sign bit is positive) 0b011111111 = +127 (sign bit is positive) 0b11110111 = -9 (sign bit is negative) 0b10000010 = -126 (sign bit is negative) To generate a 2’s complement number, invert all the bits and add 1 +1 is 0b00000001 -1 is 0b11111110 + 0b00000001 = 0b11111111 +2 is 0b00000010 -2 is 0b11111101 + 0b00000001 = 0b11111110 +5 is 0b00000101 -5 is 0b11111010 + 0b00000001 = 0b11111011 +127 is 0b01111111 -127 is 0b10000000 + 0b00000001 = 0b10000001 To ‘un-convert’ a 2’s complement number, invert all the bits and add 1 -5 is 0b11111011 +5 is 0b00000100 + 0b00000001 = 0b00000101 Embedded Systems Programming II Richard Anthony, Computer Science, The University of Greenwich 18
Half-carry, Sign, Overflow, Negative, Zero, Carry The Status Register The Status Register (SREG) is central to the operation of every AVR instruction, because it contains the flags, and the global interrupt enable bit. The behaviour of some instructions is affected by the state of one or more flags (e.g. Breq ‘branch if equal to zero’ inspects the ‘Z’ flag). The behaviour of some instructions changes the state of one or more flags (e.g. Dec will set the ‘Z’ flag if the new register value is zero. The ‘I’ bit determines if an interrupt handler will be triggered when the interrupt signal occurs. Flags Half-carry, Sign, Overflow, Negative, Zero, Carry Global Interrupt enable 19 Embedded Systems Programming II Richard Anthony, Computer Science, The University of Greenwich
Effectively it forms a 9th bit (or 17th bit). The Flags: Carry (C) Generally, the Carry flag is set when an operation results in a value too large for the register size in use (i.e. a carry occurs). Effectively it forms a 9th bit (or 17th bit). Example – set Carry flag: Ldi R16, 0xFF Ldi R17, 0x01 Add R16, R17 0xFF + 0x01 = 0x100 → sets Carry flag Example – test Carry flag: Brcs label Will branch if Carry flag set, otherwise continue 20 Embedded Systems Programming II Richard Anthony, Computer Science, The University of Greenwich
Example – set Zero flag: Ldi R18, 0xF0 Ldi R19, 0x0F The Flags: Zero (Z) The Zero flag is set when an operation results in the value 0 being placed in the destination register. Example – set Zero flag: Ldi R18, 0xF0 Ldi R19, 0x0F And R18, R19 0xF0 AND 0x0F = 0x00 → sets Zero flag Or Ldi R20,5 Ldi R21,5 Cp R20,R21 Compare two registers which hold the same value Example – test Zero flag: Breq label Will branch if Zero flag set, otherwise continue 21 Embedded Systems Programming II Richard Anthony, Computer Science, The University of Greenwich
The Flags: Negative (N) The Negative flag is set when an operation results in a negative value being placed in the destination register. Example – set Negative flag: Ldi R20, 0x60 Ldi R21, 0x70 Sub R20, R21 0x60 - 0x70 = - 0x10 → sets Negative flag Example – test Negative flag: Brmi label Will branch if Negative flag set, otherwise continue 22 Embedded Systems Programming II Richard Anthony, Computer Science, The University of Greenwich
The Flags: Two’s Complement Overflow (V) Part 1 The Overflow flag supports ‘Two’s Complement’ arithmetic operations. Two's complement is computed by inverting all bits and adding ‘1’. (In ‘signed’ notation negative numbers are represented using bit 7 as ‘sign bit’) Generating negative numbers using two’s complement: 00000000 (decimal 0) becomes 00000000 (decimal 0) 00000001 (decimal 1) becomes 11111111 (decimal -1) 00000010 (decimal 2) becomes 11111110 (decimal -2) 01111111 (decimal 127) becomes 10000001 (decimal -127) 10000000 (decimal 128) becomes 10000000 (dec -0, but intended meaning is -128) The absolute value of the most -ve no. (|−128| = 128) is too large to represent, so Overflow occurs. 23 Embedded Systems Programming II Richard Anthony, Computer Science, The University of Greenwich
The Flags: Two’s Complement Overflow (V) Part 2 Example – set Overflow flag: Ldi R17, 0x80 Neg R17 0 - 0x80 = - 0x80 → sets Overflow flag (Neg performs 2s complement) Some operations clear the Overflow flag regardless of result, e.g. Or R16, R18 Clears Overflow flag Example – test Overflow flag: Brvs label Will branch if Overflow flag set, otherwise continue 24 Embedded Systems Programming II Richard Anthony, Computer Science, The University of Greenwich
The Flags: Sign (S) Part 1 The Sign flag is computed as N V (i.e. N exclusive OR V) The sign bit is set if EITHER ONE of the Negative or Overflow flags is set, But NOT when both are set. Example #1 – set / clear Sign flag: Ldi R20, 0b10000100 (unsigned dec 132, signed dec -124) Ldi R21, 0b00000010 (unsigned dec 2, signed dec 2) Add R20, R21 Result is 0b10000110 (unsigned dec 134, signed dec -122) (positive + positive = positive, or negative + positive = negative) SETS Negative flag, CLEARS Overflow flag, SETS Sign flag + 25 Embedded Systems Programming II Richard Anthony, Computer Science, The University of Greenwich
The Flags: Sign (S) Part 2 Example #2 – set / clear Sign flag: Ldi R22, 0b01000000 (unsigned dec 64, signed dec 64) Ldi R23, 0b01000000 (unsigned dec 64, signed dec 64) Add R22, R23 (unsigned dec 128, signed dec -128) (positive + positive = positive, or positive + positive = negative) SETS Negative flag, SETS Overflow flag, CLEARS Sign flag Example – test Sign flag: Brlt label (less than) Branch if Sign flag set, otherwise continue Note there are different branches which you choose depending whether you want to interpret values as unsigned or signed: Brlt (assumes signed interpretation) will branch if Sign flag set Brlo (assumes unsigned interpretation) ignores Sign flag Brge (assumes signed interpretation) branch if Sign flag cleared Brsh (assumes unsigned interpretation) ignores Sign flag 26 Embedded Systems Programming II Richard Anthony, Computer Science, The University of Greenwich
The Flags: Half-carry (H) The Half-carry flag is set when an operation results in a carry from the lower nibble to the higher nibble of the destination register. Example – set/ clear Half-carry flag: Ldi R16, 0b00001010 Ldi R17, 0b00000110 Add R16, R17 0x0A+ 0x06 = 0x10 → sets Half-carry flag Ldi R16, 0b01001010 Ldi R17, 0b00100100 Add R16, R17 0x4A+ 0x24 = 0x6E → clears Half-carry flag Example – test Half-carry flag: Brhs label Will branch if Half-carry flag set, otherwise continue 27 Embedded Systems Programming II Richard Anthony, Computer Science, The University of Greenwich
The Stack pointer (introductory) 1 Use The main use of the Stack Pointer is to store the return address when a subroutine is called, so that once the subroutine completes, instruction execution can carry on from where it left off. Initialisation The stack pointer is initialized to point to the highest address in SRAM, this is defined as RAMEND in the microcontroller-specific include file. Operation When a subroutine call takes place (Call) the stack pointer places the 2-byte return address on the stack, and is decremented twice to point at the next location. This process is reversed when a return from subroutine occurs (Ret); the stack pointer is incremented twice, retrieving the address to jump back to. 28 Embedded Systems Programming II Richard Anthony, Computer Science, The University of Greenwich
The Stack pointer (introductory) 2 Effects on register contents Call Subroutine STACK ← PC + 2 SP ← SP-2 PC ← Subroutine address (i.e. jump to subroutine) Ret SP ← SP+2 PC ← STACK Stack operation is designed so subroutine calls can be nested SP → RAMEND SRAM Empty No subroutine in use Subroutine #1 called Subroutine #2 called Sub #1 ret addr Sub #2 ret addr Call Subroutine #1 Return from subroutine Call Subroutine #2 29 Embedded Systems Programming II Richard Anthony, Computer Science, The University of Greenwich