BIG SCIENCE ATTRACTORS RAL Masterclasses GROWTH 1998 1 day 114 students 10 schools. 2000 2 days 245 students 19 schools. 2002 3 days 500 students 30 schools. 2012 4 days 700 students 42 schools. Largest Particle Physics Masterclasses in UK. CATCHMENT AREA Extends over much of southern England BIG SCIENCE ATTRACTORS Diamond Light Source ISIS Pulsed Neutron and Muon Source
2012 RAL Masterclass Programme 09:30 Arrival, Refreshments (R22) 10:00 Welcome Jo Lewis 10:05 A Very Brief Guide to Accelerators Dr. Glenn Patrick 10:20 Fundamentals of Particle Physics Prof. Bill Scott 10:55 Groups split - ISIS, Diamond, Computer Session. 11:05 Introduction to activity/visit 11:25 Groups Red & Blue: Visit to ISIS or Diamond Groups Green & Yellow: Computer Workshop 12:20 Buffet Lunch (R18) 13:10 The Large Hadron Collider Dr. Kristian Harder 13:55 Groups split – ISIS, Diamond, Computer Session 14:05 Introduction to activity/visit 14:25 Groups Green & Yellow: Visit to ISIS or Diamond Groups Red & Blue: Computer Workshop 15:25 Refreshments 15:35 Dark Matter Dr. Pawel Majewski 16:00 Q&A/Quiz Material can be found at: