Campaign History Speech Pathology Australia, inspired by Giving Voice, propose an equivalent international campaign Six Mutual Recognition Associations (UK, Ireland, USA, Australia, Canada, NZ) working together for three years Support from the IALP (the world body) Now live!
How do Giving Voice and ICP fit together? Raising awareness of SLT in the UK Used as a tool to influence UK decision makers Encouraging RCSLT members to become involved in campaigning International Communication Project Raising awareness of SLT around the world Used as a tool to influence decision makers around the world and raise the global standing of SLT Another tool for RCSLT members to use to raise awareness Building capacity in underserved countries
Key Messages Communication is vital to life. Communication disorders limit a person’s ability to participate fully in family life, their community, education and work. Communication professionals make a critical difference. Without access to key services, people with communication disorders are at a lifelong disadvantage. Early intervention is key. Research shows that early identification and intervention programs create positive results over a lifetime for children with communication disorders and society as a whole.
The Pledge Sign the declaration online at
Audience Speech and Language Therapists / members Other SLT professional bodies General Public Local (national) decision makers Raising awareness of ICP 2014 and encouraging participation. International Decision makers Raising awareness of the work of SLTs both in the UK and overseas
Audience and Goals Local (national) decision makers Int. Decision makers Local (national) decision makers Int. Decision makers To raise the profile and status of communication disabilities with international health bodies and policy makers. General Public Other SLT professional bodies To encourage people around the world to join together and make a difference in the lives of people living with a communication disability. Other SLT professional bodies Int. Decision makers SLTs / members Local (national) decision makers To increase public awareness of communication disabilities and the severe impact they have on people’s lives. General Public
Activity so far... LAUNCHED: February 2014. Google Hangout (see ICP website) Social Media: Follow us on twitter, @ICP2014, or facebook: Communications: Website: Keep up to date via the Giving Voice mailing list UK activity: and CPLOL European Day: Successful day of activity.
Going forward Awareness-raising, capacity-building, global influencing International, national and local levels Ask of you is to sign the pledge, think about local / hub activity, and offer advice and expertise Month of action – May! Get involved: Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists (RCSLT) Other activities: •Signing the Pledge at Parliament | May 8 RCSLT CEO Kamini Gadhok, and the Communication Trust’s Director Anne Fox will visit the Houses of Parliament to collect signatures from parliamentarians in support of the Declaration of Communication Rights. •Promotion Around London | May 16 Kamini Gadhok and Anne Fox will travel throughout London in a traditional black taxi customized with the ICP 2014 logo, visiting 20+ partner organisations and charities with a giant pledge to sign. •Encouraging Member Participation | May 1-31 RCSLT will encourage members to arrange visits for local decision makers to observe their SLT services, showcasing the benefits of speech and language therapy, as well as signing the pledge. Members will also be encouraged to submit a video blog talking about their role as a SLT. •ICP-Varsity | May 1-31 University student groups will be encouraged to organise events on their campuses with a competition for gaining the most pledge signatures. More information can be found at Giving Voice.