Jennie BARRON IWMI Research Theme Leader “Sustainable Agricultural Water Management” CGIAR Water Land and Ecosystems (WLE) Flagship leader “ Land and Water Productivity”
The smallholder irrigation development opportunity Addressing inclusive livelihood developments Climate-proofing food systems for food and nutrition security Achieve sustainable agricultural intensification …..contribute to SDG agendas
The potential for smallholder irrigation in SSA SSA: motor pumps More than185 million potential rural beneficiaries Net revenues up to US$22 billion/yr. Tanzania: motor pumps could benefit 2-4 million people (8-12% of rural households).
How much is realized? Mapping irrigated multi cropped areas of Africa Typically exceeds 2-4 times national formal irrigation scheme areas reported Working with national partners to improve further to scope additional areas of opportunities for expansion and intensification
Still farmers left out of these opportunities … Enabling Access to opportunities : women and resource poor farmers face challenges accessing affordable AWM: Market and capital access for in/output supplies Managing technologies Connect to information and learning Cultural barriers New concepts and data Tools and approaches to support equal opportunities Photo: Steve McCurrach/IWMI
Ass. Professor Frederick Kahimba, (Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania) Maureen Mnimbo (Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania) Mary Ndaro (CARE International, Tanzania) Sophie Theis (IFPRI, Washington DC, USA)