University of Colorado Colorado Springs All Funds Budget Fiscal Year 2013 - 2014 Office of the Senior Executive Vice Chancellor for Administration & Finance September, 2013
Budget planning is an integral part of the overall program at UCCS. The preliminary budget was presented to and recommended by UBAC on May 16, 2013. It was presented to and approved by the Board of Regents at the June 20-21, 2013 meeting. Preliminary revenue projections and expenditures are compiled and draft budgets disseminated to Leadership Team. The budget is compiled with input from Vice Chancellors and unit administrators. The preliminary budget is discussed with the University Budget Advisory Committee (UBAC). The budget reflects the University’s strategic plan, programs and activities and provides the resources to implement them. Budget planning is an integral part of the overall program at UCCS.
Live Green
Facilities & Administration (F&A) $1.37M from Restricted Funds General Fund Sources $111,521,265 Facilities & Administration (F&A) $1.37M from Restricted Funds
General Fund Uses by Natural Categories $111,521,265 General Administrative Recharge (GAR) $1.36M from Auxiliaries is a negative expense in Uses
General Fund Uses by Functional Categories $111,521,265
Auxiliary Fund Sources $40,321,447
Auxiliary Operating Revenue $21,133,167
General Administrative Recharge (GAR) $1.36M to General Fund Uses Auxiliary Fund Uses $40,321,447 General Administrative Recharge (GAR) $1.36M to General Fund Uses
Restricted Fund Sources $35,074,209
Restricted Fund Uses by Functional Categories $35,074,209 Facilities & Administration $1.37M to General Fund Sources
FY 2013-14 Major Capital Projects Source Cost Parking Garage with Rec Field Auxiliary Bond $23,030,000 Lane Center GF Bond/ Gifts/ Campus $17,000,000 Academic Office Building GF Bond/Campus $14,500,000 Hillside Stabilization Phase 2 State Controlled Maintenance $324,240 Total $54,854,240 Future Major Capital Projects Project Source Cost Village at Alpine Valley Auxiliary Bond $74,500,000 VAPA Building Gifts/State/GF Bonds/Other $58,000,000 Rec/Wellness Center Expansion Auxiliary Bond/General Fund $16,295,200 Total $148,795,200 Major Capital Projects Grand Total $203,649,440