Picadilly Circus
Picadilly Circus -Picadilly circus is a busy square in the heart of London.It was built in 1819 to connect Regent Street with Piccadilly.
It’s famous for the fountain that was installed here at the end of the nineteenth century and for the neon advertising that turned the square into a miniature of Times Square.
Billboards The creation of shaftesbury Avenue in 1885 turned the plaza into a busy traffit junction.This made Piccadilly Circus attractive for advertisers , who installed London’s first illuminated billboards here in 1895.For some time the plaza was surrounded by billboards,creating London’s version of Times Square,but currently only one building still carries large displays.
Shaftesbury Memorial fountain At the centre of the Circus stands the Shaftesbury Fountain. It was built in 1893 to commemorate Lord Shaftesbury a philantropist known for his support of the poor.
The statue on top of the fountain depicts the Angel of Christian Charity but was later renamed Eros after the Greek god of love and beauty. The fountain was made in bronze ,but the statue is made of aluminium ,at the time a novel and rare material.
Ripley’s in London has 700 weird and wonderful and unbelievable exhibits that will tease, entertain, astonish and astound visitors. Spread over five floors of the London Pavilion at Piccadilly Circus. Ripley’s Believe It or Not appeals to anyone with a sense of curiosity and an enjoyment of all things bizarre. This museum of oddities is a London family attraction, although the ticket prices are not cheap.
Piccadilly The name ‘’Piccadilly’’ was originated from a seventeenth century frilled collar named Piccadilly. The word ‘’Circus’’ was refered to the roundabout around which traffic circulated.
Advertising Some of the companies advertised are: Coca-cola Nescafé Hyundai McDonald’s Samsung Panasonic LG TDK Burger King
The end….by Alejandro and Carmen