General Plan Adoption Follow-up Good evening chair and members of the planning commission. My name is Ana Española. The items in front of you tonight are proposed amendments to the land use diagram and zoning map. City Council November 14, 2016
Background Comprehensive updates of Land Use and Mobility Elements adopted by City Council (August 2015) New Land Use Policies New Land Use Diagram Implementation Measures include: Specific Plan Updates Update Zoning Code and Zoning Map Establish Climate Action Plan; and Other tasks. Amendments to the Land Use Diagram and Zoning Map As you may recall, last year in August, City council adopted a comprehensive update to the mobility and land use elements; what came out of that were new land use policies and a new land use diagram. In order to implement these documents and reconcile them with existing regulations, several actions need to be done such as: updating the specific plans, updating the zoning code and zoning map, and other tasks.
Proposed Amendments Land Use Diagram Zoning Map Since then, staff has identified 6 additional properties that need to be re-designated on the Land Use Diagram and half of which need to be rezoned. Rectify a small number of properties that were inadvertently re-designated on the Land Use Diagram Rezone several properties to be consistent with amendments to the Land Use Diagram
Land Use Diagram Amendments 245 S. Los Robles Ave. City-owned properties (Wierfield Dr.) 900 & 1070 N. Lake Ave. Again, there 6 properties before you tonight. The first is along Los Robles Ave south of Cordova St. Two are along north Lake Avenue. And the last three are city owned properties on the western border of the city.
Land Use Diagram Amendments: 245 S. Los Robles Ave Amend Land Use Diagram for consistency with Central District Specific Plan and Zoning Map Civic Center/ Midtown In-Town Housing CD-2 RM-48 HL-40(45) The site is within the Central District Specific plan and divided between two sub-districts. As you can see on the map to the left, the northern portion is in Civic Center/ Midtown (which emphasizes non-residential, commercial development) while the southern portion is in In-Town Housing, which is an established residential area. Our existing zoning map echoes this division with the north zoned as CD-2 and the southern part as RM-48. After the 2015 GP Adoption, it was the intent to maintain this division between higher intensity mixed use projects in the CD-2 district and multi-family uses in the RM-48 zone. However, since the new Land Use Diagram is based on assigning one land use designation to an entire parcel, this division was not captured. So basically, some of the parcels with split-designations were not correctly reflected in the new land use diagram. Central District Specific Plan Sub-district Boundaries Zoning Map
Land Use Diagram Amendments: 245 S. Los Robles Ave Existing Land Use Designation Proposed Land Use Designation Institutional Medium Density Residential High Density Medium Mixed Use Medium Mixed Use, High Density Medium Mixed Use High Density Residential Thus, in order to be consistent with both the Specific Plan and the zoning map, staff recommends that the parcel be redesignated with medium mixed use in the northern portion, where the office is currently located, and high density residential to the south. High Density Residential Medium Density Residential Institutional
Low Density Residential Land Use Diagram Amendments: 900 & 1070 N. Lake Ave Amend Land Use Diagram for consistency with North Lake Specific Plan and Zoning Map Similar to the Los Robles site, these two properties had a split-designation prior to the GP Adoption. The map of the left displays how both sites had a specific plan designation on the western portion, while the eastern portion as low density residential. Our existing zoning map, consistent with Specific Plan, also has this divide where the western portions are zoned SP-1, referring to the North Lake Specific Plan, and the eastern parts are RS-6. Specific Plan Low Density Residential RS-6-LD-1 North Lake Specific Plan Zoning Map
Land Use Diagram Amendments: 900 & 1070 N. Lake Ave Existing Land Use Designation Proposed Land Use Designation Low Mixed Use Low Commercial Low Mixed Use Low Density Residential Commercial 900 1070 Low Commercial Low Mixed Use Low Density Residential Low Mixed Use, Low Density Residential Commercial, Low Density Residential 900 1070 In order to be consistent with the specific plan and the zoning map, staff recommends that the parcels be redesignated such that the eastern portions are low density residential. So 900 N. Lake will be both low commercial and low density residential. And 1070 will be both low mixed use and low density residential.
Low Density Residential Low Density Residential Land Use Diagram Amendments: City-Owned Open Space (Wierfield Dr.) Existing Land Use Designation Proposed Land Use Designation Low Density Residential Open Space Open Space Low Density Residential Low Density Residential Open Space Open Space The last three are city owned properties on the western border of the City. Several years ago, the city participated in the purchase of the properties formerly known as the Annandale Canyon Estates, with the intent of preserving them as open space. These sites were then re-designated and rezoned to open space during the GP adoption and follow up. Subsequent to both of these actions, staff was informed that the City purchased three additional parcels adjacent to those properties, along Wierfield Dr. Thus, consistent with last year’s redesignation, staff recommends that three additional properties be amended from low density residential to open space.
Zoning Map Amendments: City-Owned Open Space (Wierfield Dr) Existing Zoning Proposed Zoning RS-2 HD OS PD-9 Open Space OS PD-9 RS-2 HD As for Zoning Map amendments. The zoning for the first three sites on Los Robles and Lake Avenue already reflect their split designations so amending the zoning map is not needed. However, reclassifying the three additional properties along Wierfield Dr., to open space also require that they be rezoned for consistency. So from RS-2 HD to Open Space.
Recommendation Recommend City Council: Find the amendments are implementation measures of the General Plan, for which CEQA findings were made and a Statement of Overriding Considerations was adopted, and there are no changed circumstances or new information which would trigger further environmental review; Adopt Findings of Consistency; Approve Land Use Diagram Amendments; and Approve Zoning Map Amendments. In summary we have 4 recommendations for you to make to the City Council. The first involves CEQA. For this instance, its been determined the EIR performed for the General Plan also applies here since these amendments are a continuation of that effort. Because there are no changed circumstances or new information, further environmental review is not needed. Adopt Findings of Consistency to the GP found in Attachment A of the staff report And the last two, to approve amendments to the Land Use Diagram and Zoning Map.
General Plan Adoption Follow-up And that concludes my presentation, I’m available to answer any questions. City Council November 14, 2016
Current Land Use Designation Proposed Land Use Designation Land Use Diagram Six properties to be re-designated Property Current Land Use Designation Proposed Land Use Designation 245 S. Los Robles Avenue High Density Residential Medium Mixed-Use, High Density Residential 900 N. Lake Avenue Low Commercial Low Commercial, Low Density Residential 1070 N. Lake Avenue Low Mixed-Use Low Mixed-Use, Low Density Residential City-Owned Open Space (3 Properties) Low Density Residential Open Space So just a quick summary of the six properties to be re-designated. The first three properties to reflect their split designations. And the last three to capture the additional purchase by the City.
Zoning Map Amendments: City-Owned Open Space (Wierfield Dr) Amend Zoning Map to be consistent with proposed changes to the Land Use Diagram. Property Existing Zoning Proposed Zoning 1465 Wierfield Drive RS-2-HD (Single-Family, Hillside District Overlay) Open Space 1477 Wierfield Drive 1489 Wierfield Drive This table specifies the three properties to be rezoned.
900 N. Lake Avenue Established uses pre-date existing regulations Variance to develop property as parking lot for commercial building located on 860 N. Lake Granted 3/22/1962 NLSP: created 1997 Both properties are occupied by legally established uses that predate many of current land use regulations. Though the eastern portions are not developed as single family lots, this amendment will ensure that future developments will not encroach into single family neighborhoods.
1070 N. Lake Avenue Established uses pre-date existing regulations Variance to construct senior apts with building in C1 zone, and parking in the R1 zoned lot. Granted 8/6/1970 Both properties are occupied by legally established uses that predate many of current land use regulations. Though the eastern portions are not developed as single family lots, this amendment will ensure that future developments will not encroach into single family neighborhoods.
Land Use Diagram Amendments: 245 S. Los Robles Ave Existing Land Use Designation Existing Site Medium Mixed Use High Density Residential The first is 245 S. Los Robles Ave outlined in red. Its located south of Cordova St and on the west side of Los Robles Avenue. It is currently designated High Density Residential and is developed with an office building to the North and a surface parking lot to the south. High Density Residential Medium Density Residential Institutional
La Villa Lake Apartments Low Density Residential Land Use Diagram Amendments: 900 & 1070 N. Lake Ave Existing Land Use Designations Existing Sites Low Mixed Use 1070 La Villa Lake Apartments The next two sites are located on the east side of North Lak Avenue, within the North Lake Specific Plan. 900 N. Lake, the parcel at the bottom, has a low commercial designation and is developed with the CVS and a surface parking lot. 1070 N. Lake has a low mixed use designation and houses La Villa Lake Apartments. Its important to note that, unlike other properties along Lake, these two sites extend east through Mentor Avenue effectively encroaching into single family neighborhoods. Properties along Mentor Ave, north of Orange Grove Blvd are predominately single family residences. So you can see on the map to the left, most of the parcels are light yellow indicating low density residential. Low Mixed Use Low Density Residential Low Commercial 900 CVS Low Commercial