Google: “Ravenswood PBIS” PBIS Clinic February 2, 2016 Google: “Ravenswood PBIS”
Agenda Status of Tier 1, 2, & 3 Status of Classroom Supports from PBIS Team Bully Prevention Activity/Discussion: Office Referrals Minors v Majors
PBIS “Check Up” School-wide PBIS Team Meeting Scheduled & Held Each Month? Completed Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) with your SWPBIS Team? SWIS Data are Consistently Input & Reviewed at Each SWPBIS Team Meeting? What are your most problematic Times? Locations? Problem Behaviors? What decisions have you made based on these data? PBIS Team has resources & supports teachers with classroom management? School teaches bully prevention to all students? Tier 2/3 Teams (IPBS) teams are meeting monthly to review interventions & identify students who need more support?
Classroom Supports PBIS in the Classroom See: 20Classroom
Bully Prevention in PBIS Elementary Level See: Middle/High School Level Expect Respect See: _MANUAL_123x.pdf
Discipline Referrals
Example 1 Student tells teacher, “You’re not my Mama” and is loudly disrupting the classroom during Math at 10:45 a.m. The teacher has provided a discreet verbal warning to the student individually. The student stopped being disruptive and started their work with another peer. What should teacher do in this case?
Example 2 Student tells teacher, “You’re not my Mama” and is loudly disrupting the classroom during Math at 10:45 a.m. The teacher has provided a discreet verbal warning to the student individually. The student continues to be disruptive for 2 more minutes making similar statements to the teacher. The teacher quietly talks to student and tells them to write a reflection for how their behavior is affecting others in class. Student completes reflection and continues in class without any further problems. What should teacher document?
Example 3 Student tells teacher, “You’re not my Mama” and is loudly disrupting the classroom during Math at 10:45 a.m. The teacher has provided a discreet verbal warning to the student individually. The student continues to be disruptive for 2 more minutes making similar statements to the teacher. The teacher quietly talks to student and tells them to write a reflection for how their behavior is affecting others in class. Student refuses and sulks at their desk Teacher tells student they will have to stay in for recess to complete their work. What should teacher document? What else should the teacher do?
Example 4 Student tells teacher, “You’re not my Mama” and is loudly disrupting the classroom during Math at 10:45 a.m. The teacher has provided a discreet verbal warning to the student individually. The student continues to be disruptive for 2 more minutes making similar statements to the teacher. The teacher quietly talks to student and tells them to write a reflection for how their behavior is affecting others in class. Student refuses and sulks at their desk making comments to other students Teacher tells student to go to Rm. 16 (the buddy classroom) What does the teacher document? What else should he/she do?
Example 5 During ELA at 9:30 a.m., the student refuses to do work and wanders around the classroom disrupting others. (a) Teacher gives the student 4 verbal warnings. (b) Student is non-compliant. (c) Teacher asks student to do a reflection sheet. Student remains non-compliant and continues to disrupt others. Teacher sends student to the office where he will receive detention from recess. Student returns at 11:30, During Math student is disrespectful to teacher and bothers other students by writing on their papers. Teacher gives verbal warning. Student escalates and threatens teacher. Teacher sends the student to the office.
Example 6 During Science, a student uses profanity and a racial slur towards another student. He/she threatens to harm the other student. The teacher decides to complete the referral….. What sections are completed?
Next steps Train and remind teachers of office managed v. staff managed behaviors. Office Discipline Referrals Minors v Majors Complete the fields in the form (location, time, etc.) Indicate primary behavior (if more than one) Identifying the possible function