Classroom Expectations For you and I
Respect Listen while the Teacher speaks. Treat others the way that you want to be treated Treat class supplies and classroom as if they were your own Be honest, but tactful No cellphone use in class without teacher permission No unnecessary disruptions
Responsibility Be on time for class Make use of class time properly Be prepared for class with: Pencil, Pen, Binder/Folders, Notebooks, Calculator, Completed assignments, Planner, Proper dress, and anything else required for class Take home and return all required forms in a timely manner Do your own work YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR LEARNING: ADVOCATE FOR YOURSELF
Classroom Disruptions Pick proper times to sharpen pencils No talking during instruction time Raise hands if you have a question ATTENTION SIGNAL Disruptions will negatively affect your participation score
Cell Phone Protocol No cellphones are allowed in class unless instructor permits otherwise If a cellphone goes off in class, you are using it without teacher permission, or using it improperly: points will be docked from your participation/behavioral score.
Safety Follow all safety procedures No dangerous/illegal paraphernalia No harassing/ threatening/ hurtful behavior allowed LISTEN to all teacher given instructions before doing an activity If you are confused, ask for help.
Bathroom Protocol Go to the bathroom between classes. Bathroom breaks are for emergencies only Leaving class for any amount of time may negatively affect your participation score. I will only allow 1 person at a time to leave the classroom, you must have a pass
Fire/Emergency Exits In the case of a fire, follow the teacher calmly and quietly to the exit designated Once outside, remain silent Only return to the building after permitted by staff
Teacher Expectations (what you can expect from Ms. Wiehl) Guided, interactive, high quality data-driven instruction Available to help throughout the week Timely grades (with 1 week) Prepare you for exams, presenting information during class time
If protocol is not followed… 1st offense: Verbal warning 2nd offense: Verbal and written warning 3rd offense: Parent contact 4th offense: Office Refferal
Grading Scale Viewing Grades in Pinnacle Percentage 25% Exams 20% Projects Quizzes/ Labs 15% Classwork 10% Participation Homework
Participation Participates in all classroom activities Positive attitude: “I CAN!” Be a Role Model in Behaviors Enriches discussions Prepared with supplies and completed assignments On time for class Collaborates well with others