MAINSTREAMING OF WOMEN, CHILDREN AND PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES’ CONSIDERATIONS IN RELATION TO THE ENERGY SECTOR Presentation to the Joint Meeting of the Portfolio Committees on Energy and Women, Children, Youth and People with Disabilities 11 November 2011 6/5/2018
Vision of the DWCPD “A fully inclusive society free from unfair discrimination, inequality, abuse and exploitation”
Mandate of the DWCPD President Zuma – National Women’s Day 2009 “will monitor other government departments to ensure the mainstreaming of gender, children's rights, and disability considerations into all programmes of government and other sectors. This will help government to respond to issues of these targeted groups in an integrated and coherent manner”
MANDATE Cont.... President Zuma – SONA February 2010 “to integrate gender equity measures into the government’s programme of action [and] ensure that women, children and persons with disabilities can access developmental opportunities” Constitution of the RSA, Legislation and international instruments Mandate - Coordination - Advocacy and mainstreaming - Monitoring and evaluation Not a service delivery department
FUNCTIONS OF DWCPD The core functions of the DWCPD are those of mainstreaming, monitoring and evaluation. The department is also an advocacy institution with a huge awareness-raising aspect. Hence social campaigns to raise awareness on emerging issues; The department also has a core function of coordination. The department therefore in its strategic approach looks at providing guidance and leadership on issues on women, children and people with disabilities through coordinating government sector, private sector, civil society and NGOs; The department also plays a role in facilitating training and capacity development for focal points, other government officials and civil society.
Mainstreaming: Definition “...the process of assessing the implications for women, men, boys and girls, both able bodied and those with disabilities, of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programmes, in all areas and at all levels.”
Mainstreaming: Principles The basic principles of mainstreaming efforts as described by the United Nations (UN) include the following: Responsibility for implementing the mainstreaming strategy is system-wide, and rests at the highest levels within agencies; Adequate accountability mechanisms for monitoring progress need to be established; Initial identification of issues and problems across all areas of activity should be such that differences and disparities can be identified; Clear political will and allocation of adequate resources for mainstreaming — including additional financial and human resources, if necessary — are important for translation of the concept into practice; Efforts be made to broaden the equitable participation of women and people with disabilities in decision-making;
cont... Mainstreaming does not replace the need for targeted, gender, children or disability-specific policies and programmes, and positive legislation; nor does it do away with the need for gender, children and disability units or focal points. It is a strategy for making women’s and girls’ as well as men’s and boys’ concerns and experiences an integral dimension of the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and so that women and men benefit equally and inequality is not perpetuated. The ultimate goal is to achieve equality.”
KEY STRATEGIC INTERVENTIONS FOR MAINSTREAMING IN THE ENERGY SECTOR Entry points for mainstreaming in the energy sector is in line with the mandate of ensuring secure and sustainable provision of energy for socio-economic development : - Outcome 6 – “An efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network”, and Outcome 10 – “Environmental assets and natural resources that are well protected and continually enhanced” Gender, Disability and Children (GDC) responsive indicators in the two outcomes will ensure mainstreaming
Mainstreaming in the Energy Sector activities: Commitment made by Minister of Energy at the National Women’s Conference 2011 “ The Department of Energy is committed to expanding and sustaining education, training and skills development in the clean energy space for women through the Clean Energy Education and Empowerment (C-3E) Women Initiative”
Mainstreaming in the Energy Sector activities: Cont.... The Department of Energy is a key partner towards the achievement of the vision and mission of DWCPD; To fulfil the DWCPD’s Monitoring & Evaluation role, an MOU has been proposed to the Department of Energy; This MOU will serve as an M&E tool; The proposed MOU with the Department of Energy addresses mainstreaming of women, children and people with disabilities into the Department’s key strategies and programmes with specific reference to:
Proposed MOU with the Department of Energy Implementing of the Integrated Resource Plan 2010 Establishment of the South African National Energy Development Institute. 50% women beneficiaries of the “Working for Energy” Programme (job creation) Promoting women’s participation in the climate change processes Ensuring benefits for women, children and people with disabilities resident in areas in and around energy industry operations Availing diverse energy resources (including renewable energy) in sustainable quantities and at affordable prices in the South African communities, specifically women and people with disabilities Department must appoint Focal Points (Gender, Children and Disability) at the right level (Senior management) and right location i.e. Line of accountability to DG.
Proposed MOU with the Department of Energy Promoting empowerment of women and people with disabilities through training and skills development in fields of petroleum and nuclear energy. Implementing the Pro-poor pricing initiatives for low income households Creating and promoting equal opportunities for women and people with disabilities by increasing the employment equity plan targets from 30% to 50% for women and a minimum of 2% for people with disabilities
Proposed MOU with the Department of Energy In terms of the proposed MOU the DWCPD will monitor and evaluate the effect and impact of the actions of DOE towards achieving the set goals. The MOU is at the negotiation phase between the Departments
Planned Activities: DWCPD 2011/12 related to Energy Sector Mainstreaming Strategy & Implementation Plan Monitoring & Evaluation Framework Memorandum of Understanding The Gender Equality Bill; Disability Policy; Rural Development : Rural women, children and people with disabilities in renewable energy: Provincial Consultations Job Creation and the New Growth Path African Decade for Women (2010-2020): Theme on employment and poverty alleviation; theme on rural women African Decade for Disabled People (2009-2019) Climate Change and GDC (COP 17) – Energy users