Mercury Smallest planet – 1/3 diameter of Earth 75 % of surface is covered in craters similar to the moon No permanent atmosphere 400 Celsius to -200 Celsius Water ice discovered in craters located in the poles
Venus “Earth’s twin” similar in size Hottest planet ~ 485 Celsius Thick atmosphere of mostly Carbon Dioxide causes intense Greenhouse Effect Can be viewed in the sky in the early morning and evenings
Mars Evidence that liquid water was present in the past Water and wind shaped the surface features Has a thin atmosphere of mostly Carbon Dioxide Wind storms ~27 Celsius to -125 Celsius
Jupiter Largest planet, more massive than all of the planets and moon in the solar system Colored bands of sinking (dark) and rising gases (light) Giant Red Spot is a hurricane that has lasted over 100 years Most moons of any planet in our solar system ~66
Saturn Most complex system of rings Colored bands on surface Has an internal source of heat ~ 1800 mph wind storms
Uranus Axis of rotation is tipped on it’s side, it’s rolling Blue green color is caused by methane in the atmosphere
Had Great Blue Spot Storm disappeared Extreme winds ~ 2200 mph Neptune Had Great Blue Spot Storm disappeared Extreme winds ~ 2200 mph
Pluto and other Dwarf Planets reclassified in 2006 by the International Astronomical Union ~ 50 dwarf planets in the solar system Pluto -5 know moons sometimes closer than Neptune to the Sun during it’s orbit Eris – largest dwarf planet Ceres – closest distance to Earth Makemake - Haumea – elongated shape