How to Optimize the Media 1 *
How the Media has Changed … FROM … TO… Set formats Free form Timed Real-time Structured, linear Interactive on all social channels Possible to “spin” Genuine and authentic Beat reporters Journalists as brands Column inches count Search visibility is key Journalists rule Audience is powerful Source: Developing Knowledge-based Client Relationships Ross Dawsom
Media Coverage Drivers Provocative topics, lessons learned Breaking news or ahead of its time Disruption, strong point of view, predictions Data, research and industry trends Amazing anecdotes, results, events with visuals The “coolest idea” Great collaborations that solve hard problems
The Story Development Process Stories originated by journalists or pitched by IEEE PR Exchange of information and provocative concepts/sell story Arrange/conduct interviews, receive demo (if applicable), attend event Exchange more info., data, references, interviews if needed Interview turns into story (or sometimes cut or postponed by editor for larger news, or if not compelling enough) It’s important to build relationships with media so they come to know you as a credible and reliable source for commentary when developing stories.
Create a Publicity Plan
Sparking Local Interest Plan IEEE Day events – (October 4) Local awards ceremony for volunteerism Local awards ceremony with industry support Career Day at local high school Host guest speakers Community outreach activities supporting local schools or universities
Evaluating Events for Publicity Potential Is my event newsworthy? Is it relevant to the general public? Is it a small target audience? Can you tie in a local angle? (local member, IEEE Milestone event, etc.) Do you have the right spokesperson who can talk about IEEE?
The Role of a Spokesperson Identify who will speak with the media Person familiar with your activities and its local community contributions General understanding of the news media Technical expert (if applicable) Basic IEEE statistics Has reviewed and is ready to deliver planned key messages
Identify the Local Reporters Understand what journalists cover Technology Calendar and Events Metro Photo desk Society Health News assignment
Questions to ask Journalists How familiar are you with our organization? Have you covered this topic before? What type of story are you doing and do you have a deadline? Can I show you how this works? Who have you talked to so far? Can I introduce you to X? Where did you get that data point or information? Another resource to consider is X. Do you need images or video to accompany your piece?
Steps to Preparation Analyze the reporter and media outlet Prepare core messages and sound bites Have 1-3 key points and convey them at every opportunity during the interview Prepare for challenging questions Offer to provide more information = website+social property
3 Key Messages Most important message first – this is your headline You may not have time for anything else 30 seconds or less to capture Primary Secondary Tertiary Repeat your messages often Vary the order, examples, phrases Be conversational. Avoid technical jargon and big, abstract words Use additional time to flesh out messages with supporting points and examples
Interview Approach AUDIENCE HEARS AND BELIEVES YOU Leverage your credibility Be an active, confident, equal and enthusiastic participant Control your demeanor, presentation and message Create and take hold of opportunities to put forth your message
Verbal Delivery The Four Ps Pauses Pace Passion Pitch
Techniques to Maintain Control Question Answer Broad Brusher Apply the funnel, ask for more specifics Pregnant Pauser Answer with a question or “Tell Me More” Detective Respond with the same answer regardless The Bully Reflective answering, “What I hear you saying is… The Puzzler Paraphrase: “So what I hear you asking me is…?” Machine Gunner Dissect questions, take them one at a time Interrupter Ask for guidance on where to go Pretender Assume nothing, don’t expose, answer directly Novice Assume nothing, answer directly, play mentor role The Statement Are looking for a comment or what is the question
It’s YOUR Interview, so get your message heard Use “blocking” to avoid a less-than-desirable question “Bridge” your answer back to the topic and tone that gets your message across Don’t say “no comment” or “I’m not answering that” “It’s not our policy to discuss XXX specifically, but I can tell you… “ “We cannot project, but our strategy has always been to…” “What’s of the utmost importance is…” “The real issue is…” “That’s not my area of expertise, but I think your audience would be interested in knowing that…” “Let me just add that…” “Another way to look at it is….” ADD NOTES re: being asked question regarding expertise you don’t have.
Media Dos and Don’ts Be friendly, but don’t be their friend Build the relationship Ask questions Prepare messages; know your soundbites Translate technical terms in ways anyone could understand Provide follow-up contact information, and media relations contacts
Media Dos and Don’ts Never say “No Comment” Don’t go beyond your expertise or speculate Avoid using or repeating “negatives” Don’t let reporters call you directly Don’t EVER go off the record
Be Your own Reporter! The purpose of this session is to provide a high level media training session, which will provide you with tips on how to research and interact with the local media. You can utilize tactics and tips that we use with our technical experts through the PV program in your own area. 19
‘People in the News’ Sections
What Does Success Look Like? Building new relationships with media Increased coverage of IEEE events and technical experts Successfully utilizing proactive outreach methods The media will come to YOU!