PRACTICE PATIENT SURVEY CALVERLEY SURGERY DECEMBER 2013 Dr A V Lee & Partners Practice Patient Survey 2013 Created by Angela Gelder
ACCESSING OUR SERVICES Q1. Generally, how easy is it to get through to someone at the surgery on the phone? Q2. Which of the following methods would you prefer to use to book appointments? Q3. In the reception area, how concerned are you that other patients may hear your conversation with the receptionist? Q4. How helpful do you find the receptionists?
OPENING HOURS Q5. Are the surgery opening times convenient for you? Q6. Which of the following additional opening times would make it easier for you?
MAKING AN APPOINTMENT Q7. How convenient was the appointment you were able to get? Q8. If you weren’t able to get an appointment or the appointment you were offered wasn’t convenient, why was that? Q9. What did you do on that occasion? Q10. Overall, how would you describe your experience of making an appointment?
OVERALL EXPERIENCE Q11. Overall, how would you describe your experience of your GP surgery? Q12. Would you recommend your GP surgery to anyone else?
Number of patients who have completed the Survey is 52 FURTHER COMMENTS Number of patients who have completed the Survey is 52 APPOINTMENTS Be able to book more than 2 weeks in advance. Don’t always see the doctor we want to see. Sometimes it is difficult to book an appointment in advance, but on the day appointment system works well and the practice has fitted me in the past when I’ve needed to see a doctor urgently which is appreciated. I have always had a good experience at both Calverley and Glenlea Surgery. I rarely struggle to get an appointment as long as I call first thing. Really appreciate been able to ring at 8am and 12 noon to request same day appointments where they are required unexpectedly. Also really appreciate attempts to get an appointment at one of the other two surgeries if non available at Calverley. Really like the telephone appointments if there are no face to face appointments. Had to wait over 10 minutes past the appointment time to be seen and had nipped out of work. A web option for appointments would be useful as not always able to phone. Sometimes have to wait 2 weeks for an appointment is not good enough, ringing at 8am is not good thing at all. Would like to be able to make an appointment with the doctor of my choice more easily. Sometimes have seen a doctor I would prefer not to see as it was urgent.
OUR SURGERY No breast feeding facilities Radio on reception desk not required I am very happy with Calverley surgery overall. The recent changes to the surgery have worked well. In recent past the system and staff were unhelpful and made the experience very unpleasant. The new regime is 100% better. The ability to order repeat prescriptions online using the surgery website is brilliant. It also free’s up the telephone if you need to call through to the surgery. I am very happy with service offered by the surgery. An excellent community surgery. Hope our local artists can continue to have their work displayed, enjoyable view. Car parking could be improved as not always easy to get a space. Very satisfied with any contact I have with the surgery. I think it would be very helpful to have some toys and reading materials available in the waiting area. The radio channel should be changed or not on at all.
OUR STAFF OPENING TIMES They are all great and very helpful. Always find the receptionists extremely polite and helpful when booking appointments. The staff are very helpful and show an interest. A great team. Dr Smith is an outstanding GP and Dr Keene has been very professional and caring too (only met once). All staff are welcoming and friendly. Staff very friendly and helpful OPENING TIMES 5pm onwards for working people would be better. I would use appointments after 6.30pm and on Saturdays if they were available. However I do appreciate that in an emergency there are alternative ways to seek medical assistance albeit less convenient. Surgery hours to not suit working people. No early hours, no saturdays. How are we supposed to see doctors – no one plans to be ill.