“Day E” September 6, 2017 8:01 - 9:01 Math 9:03 - 10:03 Science 8:01 - 9:01 Math 9:03 - 10:03 Science 10:05 - 11:05 Exploratory 11:07 -11:37 11:39 -12:09 12:11-12:41 Social Studies LUNCH (2nd Lunch) 12:43 - 1:43 English 1:45 - 2:45
29 + 24 1. Take out Homework and Notebook ACTIVATOR 1. Take out Homework and Notebook 2. Calculate mentally, NO TALKING, no writing, no air writing. 29 + 24 RIP OUT PAGE 2 AND PUT YOUR NAME ON IT TO TURN IN
Objective: I will be able to use fraction bars So I can: Determine the quotient of whole numbers and fractions Show the connection between them and the multiplication of fractions. I will know I got it when I can successfully draw at least 2 models that demonstrate the quotient as a result of the division of a whole number by a fraction in a real world situation independently or with my partners with at least 80% accuracy. 6.NS.1
Vocabulary Today’s Language Objective Through the class discussion with their groupmates, students will be able to orally describe and listen to how the quotient is found. Students will be able to read the real world mathematical problems and write their appropriate answers by using mathematical vocabulary. They will show their understanding by working with visuals aids/tools independently, then in a small group to solve the problems. They will be able to complete at least 2 models that will be measured with at least 80% accuracy to be successful. Vocabulary Fractions, part of, whole, Quotient, multiplication, multiply, times, equally.
Interpretation of division problems Measurement division When we know the original amount of the size or measure of one part, we use measurement division to find the number of parts. Ex. “how many ___________ are in ______________?
Pg. s11 #2
Exercises 1–2 (7 minutes) pg. 9 Students work in table partners to solve the following questions.
topic. How do you feel?
Interpretation of division problems Partitive division The divisor represents the number of groups and the quotient tells the size of the group
Pg. s11 #1 6 Nicole started with 16 feet of ribbon ? 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Nicole started with 16 feet of ribbon ? 3 units = 6 1 unit = 6 ÷3 =2 8 units = 8 x 2 =16
Exercises 4-5 (7 minutes) pg. 10 Students work in table partners to solve the following questions.
topic. How do you feel?
Pg. s11 #6
Pg. s11 #6 b. If he donated $60 to each charity, how much money did he receive for his birthday? $60 ? Mr. Scruggs got $225 for his birthday. 4 units = $60 1 unit = $60 ÷4 =15 15 units = 15 x $15 =$225
Exercises 3–5 (15 minutes) pg. 11 Students work in pairs to solve the following questions.
topic. How do you feel?
Ticket-to-go Solve the division problem using a model. Rachel finished ¾ of the race in 6 hours. How long was the entire race?
Pages 7 and 8
Accommodations Read or reread presentation or activity directions, as needed or after prompting Use examples to model and act as a guide for emerging learners