15.9-16 Bacterial diseases Microbiology
15.11 Bacterial diseases of the Respiratory System Anatomy of the Respiratory System Sinus Nasal Cavity Pharynx Epiglottis Larynx Trachea Bronchi Lungs Alveoli Diaphragm
15.11 Bacterial diseases of the Respiratory System Airborne Transmission of Disease Coughing, sneezing, laughing & personal contact. Anthrax, Chickenpox, Influenza Measles, Smallpox & Tuberculosis. https://youtu.be/qKiQA5e-fPg
15.12 Bacterial diseases of the Respiratory system Pharyngitis-Inflammation of the throat. Most commonly caused by Streptococcus Throat culture Rapid Antigen Detection Testing (RADT) May develop into Scarlett Fever May require tonsillectomy Diphtheria-Rare in developed countries due to vaccination. Can lead to kidney, heart and nerve damage if untreated. If untreated 40-50% rate of mortality.
15.12 Bacterial diseases of the Respiratory system Whooping Cough (Pertussis) Inhibits immune system Can be prevented by vaccination. Worldwide about 39 million become infected and 297,000 die annually, usually young children.
15.12 Bacterial diseases of the Respiratory system Tuberculosis Chronic cough, Blood-tinged sputum, Fever, night sweats and weight loss Antibiotic Resistant 1/3 of world population infected
15.12 Bacterial diseases of the Respiratory system Pneumonia-Fluid in the lungs Streptococcus pneumonia Scar tissue permanently damages lungs “Old mans friend”
15.15 Bacterial diseases of the digestive system Anatomy of the Digestive System Largest reservoir of human flora (5 lbs.) 300-1000 species Mutualistic: Aids digestion, Immunity, Makes Vitamins & Hormones
15.16 Bacterial diseases of the Mouth Tooth & Gum infections: Biofilm, Plaque, Cavity, Gingivitis, Periodontitis Strong correlation between gum disease and heart disease
15.17 Bacterial diseases of the digestive System Gastroenteritis-pain, diarrhea & vomiting E. coli, Salmonella, Shigella Campylobacter Food contamination
15.17 Bacterial diseases of the digestive System Food poisoning Staphylococcal Toxins Salmonellosis Poultry, reptiles & amphibians Listeriosis Pregnant women, infants & elderly
15.17 Bacterial diseases of the digestive System Diseases related to Sewage Typhoid Fever Cholera-Vibrio cholera Escherichia coli Campylobacter
15.17 Bacterial diseases of the digestive System Peptic Ulcers Helicobacter pylori 50% of population NSAIDs (aspirin & ibuprofen)