Bucharest 7 June 2011 Anne Lise Rognlidalen, Country Director The Norwegian Cooperation Programme with Romania Facts, figures and results Innovation Norway improves Norwegian trade and industry: We shall help businesses withstand adversity and flourish in prosperity. Innovation Norway are the Government's most important tool for developing Norwegian trade and industry. Bucharest 7 June 2011 Anne Lise Rognlidalen, Country Director
Innovation Norway was in 2007 entrusted the task to manage the Norwegian Cooperation Programme with Romania A pilot management structure to contribute to increasing the bilateral relations through mandatory partnership projects From Idea to Success – quit ambiguous Results - outcomes?
Programme promotion services Different requirements – Services to promote innovation through partnership projects Norway Grants Financing services Mobilisation Programme promotion services Grant Scheme management services Experience sharing Networking services A suite of services that covers most requirements through the innovation process from clarification of idea, development, introduction to market and growth. Five types of services All of our programs and services are based on five types of services. These are advisory services, competence services, promotional services, financing services and networking services. Promotional services: Measures to make Norway and Norwegian trade and industry (more) visible in Norway and abroad. Competence services: Standardized services to groups of trade and industry actors on upgrading strategically important knowledge for the organizations. Financing services: All financial instruments that contribute towards triggering and carrying out projects. Advisory services: Dialogue with individual operations, networks or clusters concerning strategic options and decisions aimed at improving competitive ability. Networking services: Assistance to initiate and implement development processes and projects in agreement-based groups of parties. Advisory services Close follow up Monitoring services 3 3
Major challenges. 1. State Aid (private sector). 2. Public Procurement Major challenges 1. State Aid (private sector) 2. Public Procurement 3. Co-financing 4. Partnerships
Norwegian Cooperation Programme with Romania Facts & figures 29 individual projects approved 14 Sustainable Production, 7 Environment, 5 Health and 3 Energy Three types of promoters Private sector, public sector and NGO’s Project activities finished Completion reports yet to be delivered Disbursement continues until October 2011 Most of the expected project results achieved
Norwegian Cooperation Programme with Romania Results and outcome Sustainability of projects - awareness of the added value of partnership Good distribution between sectors and focus areas Good regional distribution of projects Close monitoring and follow up of individual projects Programme audited by the Office of the Auditor General of Norway
Norwegian Cooperation Programme with Romania Increasing the economic revenue of rural enterprises in the Odorhei region 15 farmers, 15 inn-keepers and 5 handicraft producers trained – like this guy at the picture offering horse riding tourism. Also a local rural toursime organisation has been established and a beautiful Tourist Guide Book published.
Norwegian Cooperation Programme with Romania One induction technology heating centre constructed and equipped (incl R&D), Bucharest
Norwegian Cooperation Programme with Romania A new bio-compound (waste-water sludge and marine biomass) developed and patented, Constanta
Norwegian Cooperation Programme with Romania Research (including satellite-tagging) completed into the sociology and biology of the beluga sturgeon, Danube Delta
Norwegian Cooperation Programme with Romania Improved capacity in the Romanian public health system to treat children with developmental disorders, Bucharest 15 farmers, 15 inn-keepers and 5 handicraft producers trained – like this guy at the picture offering horse riding tourism. Also a local rural toursime organisation has been established and a beautiful Tourist Guide Book published.
Norwegian Cooperation Programme with Romania Eco-tourism in Tara Dornelor – Solar panel systems installed
Norwegian Cooperation Programme with Romania Two centre for integrated health services built, home-care service for the elderly established, vehicles purchased for health-related mobility
Norwegian Cooperation Programme with Romania Staff from the Romanian nuclear regulator and nuclear plant trained in nuclear safety issues RESULTS energy One renewable energy demonstration centre in place An energy security strategy developed and submitted to the Government of Romania 14 Sustainable Production, 7 Environment, 5 Health and 3 Energy Efficiency. 14
Norwegian Cooperation Programme with Romania More RESULTS A revised waste management strategy in Region 7, including 3 pilot projects One air science centre in Bucharest One eco-innovation network created with entities trained in innovation and green procurement A draft CSR strategy with focus on environment NGO supported policy input for revision of environmental strategy for Bucharest city
Norwegian Cooperation Programme with Romania Even more RESULTS Equipment purchased and in operation for manufacturing for metallic frames for industrial applications One eco-tourism package developed 8 milk collection centre up and running, farmers trained in organic farming
Norwegian Cooperation Programme with Romania Thank you ! More details and news articles: www.norwaygrants.org
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