Sunny Solar Syndicate Proposal Agreement to Hold Secret and Confidential For Viewers / Investors All or parts of this idea or concept cannot release to Third Parties and/or Competes. If bleach this Agreement Statement, the Viewers and/or Investors shall take fully legal responsibility and recover the lost benefits of the concept Provider. US patent law and international treaties protect this idea or patent. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this idea or patent, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to maximum extent possible under law. When you see this letter as you understand and agree the Agreement to Hold Secret and Confidential
Sunny Solar Syndicate Water Bank Proposal
Apace Groups
Solar Panel Farm Land Water Bank
Solar Panel Farm Land Water Bank
Sunny Solar Syndicate Proposal Water Bank Success Sample
Sunny Solar Syndicate Proposal SunEdison Success Sample
Sunny Solar Syndicate Proposal SunEdison Success Sample
Solar Panel Water Bank
Solar Panel Water Floating Water Reservoir Lake
Sunny Solar Syndicate (S S S) (3 S) Main Issues; Water Bank land cover with Solar Panel Proposal Build Solar Panel structure cover Water Bank land in Bakersfield Water Bank Land with heavy sunshine.
Farm Aqueduct Authority Organization Provide 1. Agree to Sunny Solar Syndicate have the rights to use the air space, 2. Cover Solar Panel over Water Bank 3. In Bakersfield for FREE to use Water Bank land without payment, Charge, 4. Sunny Solar Syndicate with fully Insurance, Maintained, Responsibility.
Farm Aqueduct Authority Organization Benefits 1. Water Authority will save water 15% ~ 20% or more, vapor into air. 2. Keep Water Bank land clean from Dust, Pesticide, Sands, Derides, 3. Security patrol Aqueduct, Daily 24 Hours standby phone call services. 4. Increase Jobs (Initial Stage 20 jobs, Functional Stage 10 jobs)
Sunny Solar Syndicate Provide 1. Solar Panel to cover Water Bank, 2. Provide: Solar Panel, Material, Technical, Technicians, maintain, Management, Manpower, 3. Security Deposit 4. Insurance: Fire, Worker, 5. Maintain, Fully Responsibility
Sunny Solar Syndicate Benefits 1. FREE to use Water Bank land in Bakersfield above the Air Space rights to install Solar Panel 2. Tax assumptions Benefits, _____ Years, or Reduce Business Tax Rate to _____% 3. Sale Tax exemption Benefits, _____ Years, or Reduce Sale Tax Rate to _____% 4. FREE to use existing paved road, 5. Easy to access to existing paved road for deliver Material, Equipment, install Solar Panel, Maintain, Daily Checkup, Security, Guard, Clean Dust,
Sunny Solar Syndicate Proposal Location 1. Bakersfield California 2. Build Solar Panel structure cover Water Bank land in Bakersfield, Timing 1. Initiation Stage, Research, 2. Intermediate Stage, Deal with Farm Aqueduct Authority, 3. Proposal Stage; Planning, Plot Plan, Site Plan, 4. EB-5 Stage; 5. Installs Stage; 6. Try out Stage; 7. Performances Stage;
Sunny Solar Syndicate Proposal Man power Technical 1. Taiwan Solar Panel manufactory technical supports, Material 1. Taiwan Solar Panel manufactory products, Technicians 1. Taiwan solar power experience engineer, 2. Design Site/Plot plan Employees 1. Employee’s back ground security check up; due to work field is farm daily use water,
Sunny Solar Syndicate Proposal Private Canal System (Green Color)
Sunny Solar Syndicate Proposal Water Bank land
Sunny Solar Syndicate Proposal EB-5 Immigrant status Investor, Funds, EB-5 Immigrant status 1. Each Family Invest $500,000.00 for Immigrant status EB-5. Plus $100,000.00 for Law assistance, Documents fees, etc. 2. Each Investor owned 5 Miles = $500,000.00 (1 Mile = $100,000.00) Solar Panel 3. 30 Years long term investment, 4. Yearly: Management fees: 5 % 5. Yearly: Maintain Fees: 4 % 6. Yearly: Property Tax: 1 % 7. Yearly: Insurance fees: Worker, Fire, etc. 8. Lawyer Mr. Robert C. Hsu, Lexint Law Office, 9525 Las Tunas Drive Temple City, CA 91780, (626) 286-7055
Ruy Lee D.D.S. Taipei Medical University UCLA Implant Realty Broker About Ruy Lee D.D.S. Taipei Medical University UCLA Implant Realty Broker
Dr. Ruy Lee Dental Office
Contact Ruy Lee DDS Dr. Ruy Lee Dental Office Tel: 626-287-5988 Ruy Lee Realty Broker Tel: 626-572-0925 Sunny Solar Syndicate Apace Groups CA DRE # 00973453 1008 E. Las Tunas Drive # D San Gabriel, CA 91776 USA