(1) What is the “white man’s burden”? Belief that Europeans had a moral responsibility to civilize “primitive” peoples (2) What were motives for European imperialism? Economic motives (new resources & markets), social Darwinism, nationalism (rivalry & national pride among European countries) (3) What is direct rule? Colonial govt where local elites are removed from power & replaced w/ set of officials from parent country (4) What is imperialism? Extension of a nation’s power over other lands (5) How was social Darwinism justify European imperialism in Africa & Asia? Europeans justified conquests w/ belief that they were superior to Africans & Asians (6) What attitude did Europeans have toward people of the non-western world? Negative attitude (7) What two areas did Europeans turn to for imperialism in the 1800s? Africa & Asia
(8) What were the political motives driving European imperialism in Africa? European leaders believed that controlling colonies would gain them respect from other leaders (9) Which geographic factor helped attract European investors to southern Africa & southeast Asia? Natural resources (10) What were the only free states remaining in Africa by 1914? Ethiopia & Liberia (11) What was the only SE Asian country to retain its independence in the 1800s? Thailand (12) What happened at the Berlin Conference in 1885? Africa was CARVED UP by the major European powers (13) What was the only European nation to lose to an African nation? Italy (14) What allowed Europeans to extend control over Asia & Africa after 1800? Military advantages (machine guns) & quinine (protects against malaria)
(15) Why did the British occupy Egypt in 1882? To maintain access to the Suez Canal (16) What is the “Scramble for Africa”? Effort by Europeans to colonize the continent (17) What is a long-term consequence of European colonization of Africa? Tribal warfare (boundaries were drawn w/o regard to African input) (18) What happened in Japan b/w 1850 & 1910? Japan industrialized & became an imperial power (19) How did British taxes on salt contribute to growth of Indian nationalism? The tax demonstrated the absolute control exercised by the British as colonial rulers of India (20) Why did Britain begin exporting opium to China? To change the balance of trade in favor of Britian (21) Who was the leader of the Tai Ping Rebellion, & who did he view himself as? Hong Xiuquan; younger brother of Jesus
(22) The 1904 war b/w Russia & Japan resulted in what? Humiliating defeat of Russia (23) What were the effects of the Meiji Restoration? Weakened power of traditional nobility, created a constitution, & promoted industry (24) What are spheres of influence? A form of imperialism in China, where European powers had exclusive trading rights (25) Who proposed equal access to Chinese markets, & what was it called? US Secretary of State John Hay; Open Door Policy (26) How were Japan and China different by 1914? Japan is a modern nation & imperial power (27) Why did the Japanese sign a trade agreement with the US? They were threatened by American military might (28) Why didn’t the Japanese want to have contact with the Europeans? They didn’t want European imperialism to come to their nation
(29) What is extraterritoriality? Europeans living by their own laws in China (30) What action did Japan take in the 1850s as a result of Com. Perry’s missions? They abandoned policy of isolationism & established relations w/ Europe & the US (31) What was the immediate cause of the Sepoy Mutiny? Requirement that soldiers bite off end of ammunition cartridge greased w/ fat of cows (Sacred to Hindus) & pigs (Muslims prohibited from eating pork) (32) What nations had spheres of influence in China? Britain, France, & Japan (NOT the USA) (33) What was Britain's number one colony (“jewel in the crown”)? India (34) As a result of the Opium War, what did China have to accept in a treaty they signed with Britain? Unequal treaties, including for more ports & extraterritoriality for European powers (35) What led to Japanese imperialism? Lack of natural resources
(36) What was the Boxer Rebellion & where did it take place? Group of Chinese, upset by foreign takeover, who roamed countryside killing Christian converts & foreign businessmen (37) How is lassiez-faire supposed to be more productive than govt-contrtolled economies? Creates competition leading to innovation, greater profits, & lower prices (38) What was the result of the women’s march to Versailles in 1789? Women stormed palace, killed guards, & made royal family move to Paris (39) Napoleon’s coup d’etat overthrew what govt to establish his consulate? The Directory (40) The Concert of Europe was created for what reason? To bring peace & stability to Europe after the defeat of Napoleon (41) Which was the only successful revolution in Europe in 1848? France (42) Germans turn to what state for unification? Prussia
(43) In which countries were there no revolutions in 1848? Britain & Russia (44) What characterizes communist economies? Govt agencies are involved in production planning (45) Motives for European imperialism? - Economic motives (new markets and natural resources) - Political motives (rivalries b/w European countries - Social Darwinism (“fit” countries conquer weaker people) - “White man’s burden” (Europeans should civilize non-Europeans) - National pride (countries need colonies to be great) (46) Who led the Salt March, & what was he protesting? Mahatma Ghandi; protesting British colonial rule over India (47) Who are the Boxers, & why were they upset? Group of Chinese upset about foreign takeover of their country (48) What 2 scientific advances led Europeans to conquer parts of Africa in the 1800s? Automatic machine guns & quinine