American Society of Heating, Refrigerating Air-conditioning Engineers Criteria expanded to include engineering or engineering technology programs accredited by PAHRA and accrediting bodies outside the U.S. that have signed an MOU with ABET, are part of the Washington Accord or schools with ASHRAE student branches -includes CACEI in Mexico and CEAB in Canada ASHRAE sets industrial standards Shaping your path to professional Energy, Building & Environmental engineering. Win a scholarship ! International conferences $10,000 Scholarships : Willis H. Carrier Scholarships., Reuben Trane Scholarships. $5,000 Scholarships : ASHRAE Memorial Scholarship, Frank M. Coda Scholarship, Lynn G. Bellenger Scholarship, ASHRAE General Scholarships. Many more for both undergraduate and graduate students! Competitions & awards Public education Join us now ! Academia & industrial experience