Where is the best place to live? Site Anywhere people live. What is around the settlement. Situation The actual place where the settlement started. Settlement
Where is the best place to live? Today we are learning about… why places with more advantageous site and situational factors will be more populated than places with less advantageous site and situational factors. By the end of the lesson… ALL can describe some positive and negative site and situational factors (Level 3-4) MOST will be able to draw a population distribution map and explain the distribution (Level 5) SOME will be able to compare two areas and explain the differences in population density in detail (Level 6)
Factors that affect where we live Communications (roads) Bad Good Climate Relief Soil Vegetation Height Food and Water Raw Materials Jobs Communications (roads) Very cold or hot Steep slopes Poor soil Rainforest Upland Very dry Few materials Little industry Poor communications No Extremes Flat Fertile Grassland Lowland Rivers Lots of raw materials Industry Good transport
What are the factors here?
What are the factors here?
What are the factors here?
What are the factors here?
Where is the best place to live? Use page 98-99. Copy table B, leaving enough room for 10 areas. Fill the table in. Choose 3 colours to show dense, sparse and average population density. Colour in your map to show the population density of your island. Decide where you would put 3 main towns, describe what each location would be like and EXPLAIN why you have chosen those places. You might want to compare different parts of the island. Complete your map by colouring it in and naming it.
Where is the best place to live? Today we are learning about… why places with more advantageous site and situational factors will be more populated than places with less advantageous site and situational factors. By the end of the lesson… ALL can describe some positive and negative site and situational factors (Level 3-4) MOST will be able to draw a population distribution map and explain the distribution (Level 5) SOME will be able to compare two areas and explain the differences in population density in detail (Level 6)
Homework Finish today’s work, including the population density map and your explanations of where you will put your three main towns.