Card Sort Complete the card sort on Case for God creating the world Case against God creating the world Extension Fill in missing words sheet
How one religion responds to scientific explanations of the world
Science explains how the world was created without God Science explains how the world was created without God. If you no longer need God to explain why we are here on earth then you are an agnostic If you think that the scientific explanation of the world and humans without God is proof that God does not exist at all: you are an atheist
Choose……Your View Now Stand Up….write on a post it note Do you agree that science is only explanation for the creation of the Universe OR Do you agree that God is the only explanation for the creation of the Universe You must have one reason why this is your opinion. Write your view and your reason for this into the back of your book. Now Stand Up….write on a post it note
Big Picture You will research into how one religion responds to scientific explanations of the world. Card sort Mind Map 8 mark question
Outcomes All will decide who or what created the universe in their opinion with a reason for their decision. All will complete a diagram on Christian responses to Scientific Explanations of the World Few will complete an explanation
Responses from Christians On the next few slides there are four Christian responses. You must fill in your worksheet in the empty boxes. Once you have finished you must add your own response to scientific explanations. Remember to use key words YOU HAVE TWO MINUTES FOR EACH SLIDE
Response 1 Many Christians believe that the scientific explanations are true and prove that God created the universe because: Only God could have made the Big bang at exactly the right micro second to form the universe. Only God could have made the laws like gravity which the matter of the big bang needed to form the solar systems Only God could have made the gases on earth react to form life
Response 2: Some Christians believe that all the evidence for the Big bang and evolution can be explained by: The effects of Noah/s flood The Apparent Age theory The apparent age theory claims that when Adam was made the earth was six days old, but to Adam it would have looked billions of years old because of the way God created it. So they believe science is wrong and the Bible is right. This response is known as creationism. What appears to us to be the age of something may in many cases simply be our misconception.
Response 3 Some Christians believe that both the scientific explanations and the bible are correct. They claim that the main points of the bible story fit with science, but one of God’s days could be millions or billions of years. In Genesis God said ‘let there be light’ this could be the Big Bang. We perceive a day to 24hrs but one of God’s days could be billions of years.
Response 4 Some Christians believe that scientific explanations are wrong and the biblical story of creation is fact because it is the word of God. God is omnipotent (all powerful) and only God has the ability to create something as complex as the universe. 11
Use the exam structure for help. Explain how Christians may respond to scientific explanations of the world (8) Explain means give reasons. Remember quality of written work. Answer in full sentences using specialist vocabulary. In Christianity…. Four reasons developed Firstly Secondly Thirdly Finally Use the exam structure for help.
Peer Marking MARK SOMEONE ELSE’S WORK 6 MARKS = Two responses in detail or three response one in detail. 1 MARK = Specialist Vocabulary 1 MARK = Written communication (answer is clear and structured) WWW (WHAT WENT WELL) EBI (EVEN BETTER IF)
Extension i. Do you agree. Give reasons for your opinion (3) ‘The Universe could only be created by God’ i. Do you agree. Give reasons for your opinion (3) ii. Give reasons why some people may disagree with you (3)