A Basic Introduction to the Programme Management Office Lunch & Learn – Session 6 A Basic Introduction to the Programme Management Office 20th March 2014
Lunch & Learn – Session 6 Aim: To introduce the Programme Management Office (PMO) Previously….on Lunch & Learn #1, 2, 4 & 5: Keep it Simple Keep it Proportionate Remove the Bureaucracy Feedback “I really value the introduction of the PMO, I think it will help Programme Leads manage and prioritise their work and help us to know what is expected and when” Head Of Planned Care
What do you want from this session? What is a PMO? The story so far Lunch & Learn – Session 6 By 2.25PM What do you want from this session? What is a PMO? The story so far Who’s in the PMO? What will the PMO be doing. And how? How can PMO help you? / How can you help PMO? Evaluate
What do you want from this Lunch & Learn? 5 mins Lunch & Learn – Session 6 What do you want from this Lunch & Learn? 5 mins Write it on a post it and put it on the flipchart
Lunch & Learn – Session 6 PMO – was it good for you?
PMO – Programme Management Office What is P.M.O.? PMO – Programme Management Office A support function of the CCG involving: Monitoring and Measurement Co-ordination Development & Support Review Scrutiny
Projects & Programmes Lunch & Learn – Session 6 Portfolio Programme
Projects & the PMO (Programme Management Office) Lunch & Learn – Session 6 Projects & the PMO (Programme Management Office) 20-30 projects 6 programmes 1 PMO PMO Programme 1 Project 1 Project 2 Programme 2 Project 3
Lunch & Learn – Session 6 Examples Programme: PLANNED CARE/LONG TERM CONDITIONS Project: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – commissioning of additional provision of Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR) programmes for patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Programme: Children’s Commissioning Project: Behaviour Pathway– To develop a new pathway for children and young people to re-design the system around C&YP early help and emotional well being.
Lunch & Learn – Session 6 Why, O Why?
Lunch & Learn – Session 6
What are the benefits of our PMO? The PMO will help you to: Demonstrate that we are delivering tangible improvements in service/patient care and shout about our successes! Provide assurance to the Governing Body that implementation of our plans is progressing and delivering the intended benefits. Identify what work/projects are priority and focus resource accordingly Enable removal of barriers and issues to be resolved quickly Facilitate more effective and quicker decision making. Develop excellent project management capabilities that will ensure we are an effective and slick organisation.
Stakeholder Reporting Rigorous Reporting Process What doe a PMO do? The PMO provides Programme support enabling Programme/project development; Plans to be sufficiently robust to provide best chance of success during implementation; rigorous detailed to allow measurement and to track progress; appropriate tools, templates and processes are used and followed; Projects/programmes to be implemented within the planned time limit and with the intended outcomes (i.e. milestones and KPI’s are met); Provision of project managers with support, advice and signposting to additional expertise for their projects Monitoring and Measurement function Co-ordination, Review and Scrutiny of key projects Detailed Plans Stakeholder Reporting Rigorous Reporting Process New Plan Development Programme Management Office Challenging Progress Contingency Planning Benefit Tracking Risk Management
Stakeholder Reporting Rigorous Reporting Process What isn’t a PMO? A PMO is NOT: a function that takes control over the projects from Programme Leads A separate unit from the rest of the organisation with a different focus and mandate It oversees and monitors delivery, it doesn’t do or deliver the projects themselves! Detailed Plans Stakeholder Reporting Rigorous Reporting Process New Plan Development Programme Management Office Challenging Progress Contingency Planning Benefit Tracking Risk Management
DRAFT PMO Governance Structure PMO SUPPORT: Provides assurance in the form of a monthly highlight report including exceptional progress and exceptions they can assist to progress Identifies key decisions to be made Highlights issues that the Group can assist in resolving Coordinates the agenda and produces highlight report (by exception). Assist in expediting/unblocking barriers to progress Project resource is deployed where required to bring projects back on track Works with programme leads to ensure all project documentation is in place Status reports are provided monthly Governing Body Gov. Body Assurance Committee Plan Delivery Group Purpose: Oversees/monitors and ensures delivery of the CCG Plan Clinically led Programme Groups, i.e.: Urgent Care Working Group Integrated Care project group Primary care Children, maternity and young people Long Term Conditions/Planned Care groups Mental Health and LD Medicines Management
3) The financial imperative Why do we need a PMO? 1) NHS England – 2 Year Operational & 5 Year Strategic Plan from each CCG 2) CCG recognise the need for structured planning, prioritising, monitoring and reporting 3) The financial imperative
5 Year Strategic Plan – NDCCG Plan on a Page
Where do I get a decision on this project? Why do we need a PMO? Where do I get a decision on this project? What information do I need to get this proposal considered? Which meeting does my proposal need to go to? Who should I report progress to? When? How? Why? Who do I speak to, to change the scope of my project? Is there any funding available for a new change project? How does my project relate to other projects/programmes? The PMO will help to put in place the process to answer these questions
Why do we need a PMO? Year 2 Gap: £14.1m Year 1 Gap: £9m Financial: Comprehensive Spending Review – funding increases will not cover demand and inflation in future years and the CCG will need to make some difficult decisions about where to invest (and disinvest). QIPP is not delivering year to date – will be critical in future years to deliver financial balance and maintain authorisation. Year 2 Gap: £14.1m Year 1 Gap: £9m
PMO - People What expertise/skills/competence/ do you think should be in the PMO? 10 mins Split into groups – 4 x 4 Now that you know what it does, what skills should be in there? Nominate someone to feedback please
PMO - People Jo Ross – Head of Brian Nevin – Commissioning Manager Jo Gregory – Project Support Officer Amy Miles – Performance Manager / Senior Data Analyst Evelyn Koon - Performance and Data Analyst Shofiq Rahman – Head of Finance Aaron Gillott – Head of Finance GEMCSU - Ian Rosser GEMCSU - Obrad Sudar
How will the PMO help me? Development & Support Monitoring and Measurement Co-ordination Review Scrutiny
How will the PMO help me? Development & Support People Process Projects / Programmes
How will the PMO help me? Monitoring and Measurement Reporting Status of projects / programmes Risks & Issues Financial, quality, activity information
How will the PMO help me? Co-ordination Plan Delivery Group – 6 programmes New Ideas -> projects Linking with Quality, Finance, Engagement, GEM,
How will the PMO help me? Review Monthly review Transformation / MRET / Better Care
How will the PMO help me? Scrutiny Plan Delivery Group Governing Body Assurance Committee Governing Body
How will you help the PMO? Feedback Awareness Challenge Embed the process
Revisit the aims of the day Have you got out of today what you wanted? Collective impact
Only 1 more scheduled but plans to continue these over the year…. Lunch & Learn – Session 6 Next Lunch & Learns Only 1 more scheduled but plans to continue these over the year…. Tell us what you want to cover E.G Project Management / Engagement & Equality / Quality / Finance & Activity / Governance & Decision Making / Risks …
(or you will not be allowed to leave the room) Lunch & Learn – Session 2 Thank you Please Evaluate now (or you will not be allowed to leave the room)