cathode ray oscilloscope
tube photograph
y plates x plates anode heater supply - + phosphor screen H.T. supply tube diagram y plates x plates anode heater supply - + phosphor screen H.T. supply
electron gun photograph
y plates x plates anode heater supply - + phosphor screen H.T. supply summary y plates x plates electron gun produces a beam of electrons light produced on the screen by electron beam anode heater supply a p.d. across the y plates deflects the trace vertically a p.d. across the x plates deflects the trace horizontally - + phosphor screen H.T. supply
gain andf time-base controls
peak voltage Peak p.d. = 3 Divisions x 1.0 mV/div = 3.0 mV
period & frequency period = 4.0 divisions x 1.0 ms/div = 4.0 ms frequency = 1 / period frequency = 1 / 0.004 s frequency = 250 Hz
self test