Laminar and Prelaminar Tissue Displacement During Intraocular Pressure Elevation in Glaucoma Patients and Healthy Controls R4 황규연/Pf.박찬기 Ophthalmology Volume 118, Number 1, January 2011
Introduction Lamina cribrosa of the optic nerve head the primary site of axonal damage in glaucoma is composed of fenestrated plates of connective tissue and elastic fibers lined by astrocytes. The connective tissue plates contain pores that form channels through which bundles of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons pass. provides structural and functional support to the RGC axons and divides the intraocular and intraorbital portions of the optic nerve.
Biomechanical paradigm of Glaucomatous pathophysiology Mechanical damage Compromised vascular supply Increased translaminar pressure gradient
Introduction Intraocular pressure(IOP) the primary known risk factor for the development and progression of open-angle glaucoma IOP alone or in combination with other factors? how the lamina responds to IOP, leading to axonal damage Displacement of the lamina in response to IOP elevation cause the pores to deform and pinch the traversing axons extension, compression, or shearing of axons within the lamina contributes to the loss of neural function in glaucoma. Optic nerve head astrocytes : altering their physiologic relationship with axon bundles, connective tissues, and vasculature axonal loss and tissue remodeling
Introduction Experimental studies on acute IOP-related laminar deformation ex vivo models animal models where the lamina was studied after histomorphometry theoretical models of the human eye None of these experiments were based on a direct visualization of the lamina in vivo. using spectral-domain (SD) or Fourier-domain signal detection allows highspeed image acquisition with high axial resolution possible clinically to visualize the lamina directly accurate concordance between SD OCT and serial histologic sections, including identification of the anterior laminar surface
Introduction acute IOP elevation 2) Prelaminar tissue displacement 1) Laminar displacement In SD-OCT patients with open-angle glaucoma age-matched healthy control subjects young control subjects acute IOP elevation
Patients and Methods ; participants Inclusion criteria for patients a clinical diagnosis of open-angle glaucoma with documented progressive optic disc change and visual field damage compatible with glaucoma visual field mean deviation better than -10 dB. Exclusion criteria for patients a threat to fixation treated IOP of 25 mmHg or more previous filtering eye surgery. Inclusion criteria for controls normal eye examination results with normal appearance of the optic disc and fundus IOP of 20 mmHg or less. The exclusion criterion for controls ocular surgery, with the exception of cataract surgery more than 1 year before the study.
Patients and Methods ; SD-OCT Confocal Scanning Laser Tomography (HRTII) To measure the optic disc size for analysis Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography(SD-OCT) a noninvasive imaging technology using low-coherence interferometry to generate in vivo high- resolution cross-sectional images of ocular structures. 1 randomly chosen study eye radial scanning pattern (12 high-resolution 15° radial scans, each averaged from 30 B-scans, with 768 A-scans per B-scan) the scanning speed was 40 000 A-scans per second serial (baseline and during IOP elevation) image acquisition at precisely the same locations. undilated pupils.
Patients and Methods ; Elevation of IOP Experimental Elevation of Intraocular Pressure An ophthalmodynamometer (Inami, Tokyo, Japan) used to apply a fixed external force through the inferior lid with the device held perpendicular to the globe A force of 30 to 40 Pa an IOP increase of approximately 10 mmHg(a level at which SD OCT image quality was not compromised) The ophthalmodynamometer was kept in place during the second set of SD OCT imaging. The IOP was elevated until imaging was completed, usually within 2 minutes. The IOP measure a Tono-Pen (Innova Medical Ophthalmics, Toronto, ON, Canada) at baseline and then again during IOP elevation
Patients and Methods ; Analysis 4 best corresponding scans /12 scans The vertical distance from the reference line to the anterior prelaminar tissue surface and anterior laminar surface was measured at equidistant points along the reference line for the 2 sets of images. the anterior laminar surface and termination of Bruch’s membrane–retinal pigment epithelium were visible clearly Photo- shop CS3 and Image J Prelaminar tissue thickness : the difference between the prelaminar tissue surface to the anterior laminar surface. reference line : line joining the Bruch’s membrane– retinal pigment epithelium opening The software: 2 sets of registered images (baseline and elevated IOP images) to be viewed in quick succession to verify that the Bruch’s membrane–retinal pigment epithelium border remained stable The laminar displacement(LD) and prelaminar tissue displacement(PTD) : the mean difference between the corresponding vertical distances from the reference line in the baseline and elevated IOP conditions, anterior laminar surface : the highly reflective region beneath the prelaminar tissue positive values : posterior displacement negative values : anterior displacement.
Reference line Bruch’s membrane–RPE opening anterior laminar surface Prelaminar tissue thickness (A and C) the anterior laminar surface (B and D) the prelaminar tissue surface LD : C-A PTD : D-B Fig 2
Patients and Methods ; Analysis performed by 1 observer The reproducibility of the measurement technique Duplicate measurements of LD and PTD in 4 radial sections each of 3 randomly selected patients and 3 age- matched control subjects. Absolute differences between the 2 sets of LD and PTD measurements were computed. The order randomized and masked for subject and set (baseline or elevated IOP) An analysis of variance for evaluating group differences and for the reproducibility study. Post hoc paired group comparisons were made with the Fisher least significant difference test. Multiple regression analysis was performed to establish which independent variables determined LD and PTD. Post hoc power calculations were performed for single and 2-sample t tests. Statistical significance was assumed when P<0.05.
Results Total 12.4±3.2 Table 1 (N=12) MD: -2.8dB (N=12) (N=12)
Results Total 0.5(3.3) 15.7(15.5) Table 2
Results Fig 3
Results * LD(R2 value) : 0.38 (P=0.049), PTD(R2 value) : 0.44 (P =0.017)
Results The difference in LD and PTD measurement reproducibility was not statistically different mean±SD paired absolute differences in radial sections 3.5±4.9 µm and 4.0±2.9 µm (P= 0.931) Reproducibility glaucoma patients age-matched controls Reproducibility of LD measurements (µm) 1.4±0.5 5.6±6.4 Reproducibility of PTD measurements (µm) 6.2±2.5 1.8±0.6
optic disc surface changes Summary modest acute increases in IOP negligible LD in both glaucoma patients and healthy subjects. optic disc surface changes displacement of prelaminar tissue result from a reduction in blood volume or axoplasmic material the lamina is relatively rigid limitation investigate the acute effects of IOP elevation on the optic nerve head
Discussion Laminar stress and eventual deformation can have deleterious effects on axonal function mechanical damage compromised vascular supply increased translaminar pressure gradient optic disc surface Anterior displacement resulting from acute reduction in IOP Trabeculectomy, a large IOP reduction after medical treatment posterior displacement Caused by IOP elevation with increase in cupping in animal studies and enucleated human eyes. related to the degree of IOP change In studies using imaging techniques: optic disc positional changes changes in laminar position (because the prelaminar tissue was assumed to be largely noncompressible)
Discussion with a mean acute IOP elevation of 12.4 mmHg, the lamina was resistant to displacement in glaucoma patients, age- matched controls, and young controls. Not concur with other studies With IOP elevation, maximum movement in the optic nerve occurred near its center, with minimum movement at its periphery in enucleated eyes. (Arch ophthalmol. 1984) elevated IOP caused the LC to deflect posteriorly without affecting its thickness. The majority of the posterior displacement in the LC occurred near the periphery of the ONH.(Br J Ophthalmol 1994) The large methodologic differences(degree and duration of IOP increase, the techniques used to measure LD)
Fig. 3.Computational analysis of human LC biomechanics can be performed on eye-specific models. The middle row shows sagittal cross-sections of the model at low (left) and high (right) IOP. Deformations are exaggerated fivefold for clarity. Note how elevation of IOP induces posterior rotation of the peripapillary sclera, flattening of the cup floor, thinning of the LC and pre-laminar neural tissues and anterior movement of the central regions of the optic nerve relative to the LC. The bottom row highlights the deformations of the LC and vitreoretinal interface by overlaying low-IOP (green) and high-IOP (red) outlines, showing the stretching of the LC in the plane of the sclera, and the deepening of the cup. Note that these simulations were carried out assuming incompressible tissues; therefore the thinning of the LC and the pre-laminar neural region do not represent a reduction in tissue volume, only a redistribution. From Sigal et al.
Biomechanics of optic nerve head Connective tissue : load-bearing tissue Peripapillary sclera Lamina cribrosa Scleral canal wall Axonal tissue : RGC axons Cellular tissue : astrocytes, glial cells, endothelial cells, pericytes and BM
sclera Scleral thickness Scleral stiffness Thin Scleral canal expansion : tightens the LC and increase resistance to posterior deformation Shorter distance between intraocular space and CSF space : steepening of translaminar pressure gradient Elastic
Acute mechanical response Lamina cribrosa : minimal posterior displacement, in some cases anterior displacement Scleral canal expanded → Tensile stretch imposed on the lamina by acutely expanding scleral canal, lamina thinning Modeling studies : laminar stress and strain are significantly elevated
Discussion average LD resulting from IOP elevation close to 0 in both patients and healthy controls the lamina can be displaced anteriorly after IOP elevation and that the relationship between scleral canal opening, material properties, and LD likely are complex. a type I statistical error? the average LD in this study was statistically indistinguishable from 0, the practical relevance of this finding is unclear statistically negatively related to optic disc size If) optic disc↑ thinner posterior sclera and lamina, the lamina may be held more tautly within the sclera more resistant to posterior displacement
Discussion significant PTD with elevated IOP in healthy control subjects 20 μm for an average IOP elevation of 13 mmHg A statistical difference in PTD was not noted among younger and older healthy subjects when corrected for prelaminar tissue thickness the percentage of prelaminar tissue displacement was 2-fold higher in younger controls compared with older age-matched controls, which in turn was approximately 2-fold higher compared with glaucoma patients. 2배 2배
Discussion a posterior optic disc displacement 28 μm with IOP of 45 mmHg(Burgoyne et al) in normal monkey eyes with the same IOP level of 18 μm (Coleman et al). These values are similar to those found in normal subjects in the present study The extent of PTD in glaucoma patients was significantly less compared with that in controls. a result of increased stiffness in the prelamina resulting from tissue remodeling associated with glaucomatous damage
Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. March 30, 2011 vol. 52 no. 3 1896-1907
Discussion Experimental in vivo studies where eyes have been fixed at different IOPs and analyzed histomorphometrically permit unparalleled quantitative analyses be prone to effects of tissue shrinkage or swelling from fixation protocols. Studies in enucleated eyes have the disadvantage of postmortem changes in connective tissue and lack of vascular supply until the advent of SD OCT, it has not been possible to visualize the anterior laminar surface directly in the presence of the overlying prelaminar tissue and to quantify its displacement in a clinical setting.
Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2011;52:1206–1219 Result At FU1, neuroretinal rim decreased and anterior lamina cribrosa surface depth increased significantly (paired t-test, P 0.01); no change in RNFL thickness was detected. At FU2, however, significant prelaminar tissue thinning, posterior displacement of neural canal opening, and RNFL thinning were observed. Longitudinal SDOCT imaging can detect deep ONH changes in EG eyes, the earliest of which are present at the onset of HRT- detected ONH surface height depression. These parameters represent realistic targets for SDOCT detection of glaucomatous progression in human subjects.
Limitations shadowing from large vessels obscuring visualization of the lamina measurements may not have come from the entire laminar surface in radial scans Reproducibility measurements of LD and PTD were different in patients and controls, with a higher variability in LD estimates in controls compared with patients. The lamina was easier to visualize in patients because of higher contrast with prelaminar tissue. tissue remodeling in the lamina with glaucomatous structural changes resulting in higher optical density the degree of IOP elevation relatively short period (2 minutes) Higher IOP, a longer duration, or both, may have yielded different observations