God’s Mirror for Man’s Soul


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Presentation transcript:

God’s Mirror for Man’s Soul James 1:21-25 Title Slide: God’s Mirror for Man’s Soul. (read James 1:21-25)

God’s Mirror for Man’s Soul This mirror’s function Reveals the “origin” of the soul Genesis 2:7 2 Corinthians 4:16 Genesis 1:26-27 1 Corinthians 15:39 This mirror’s function Reveals the “ORIGIN” of the Soul. Gen.2:7—God breathed into man’s nostrils the breath of life—he became a living soul. 2 Cor.4:16—inward man. Gen.1:26,27—created in God’s image male/female to have dominion. 1 Cor.15:39—all men are one kind of flesh.

God’s Mirror for Man’s Soul This mirror’s function Reveals the “origin” of the soul Ecclesiastes 3:1 Hebrews 12:9 1 Peter 1:9 Matthew 10:28 This mirror’s function Reveals the “ORIGIN” of the Soul. Eccl.3:1—a time for every purpose under the sun. Heb.12:9—Father of our spirits. 1 Pet.1:9—end of our faith—salvation of the soul. Matt.10:28—can kill both body and soul.

God’s Mirror for Man’s Soul This mirror’s function Reveals the “value” of the soul Matthew 16:26 Ecclesiastes 12:7 Luke 16:23-25 Matthew 10:28 This mirror’s function Reveals the “VALUE” of the Soul. Matt.16:26—what would a man give in exchange for his soul? The world? Eccl.12:7—Soul goes back to God. Lk.16:23-25—rich man lost his soul because he failed to prepare. Matt.10:28—can kill both body and soul.

God’s Mirror for Man’s Soul This mirror’s function Reveals the soul’s “disfigurement” Galatians 5:19-21 2 Timothy 3:1-8 2 Timothy 4:3,4 1 Timothy 4:1,2 This mirror’s function Reveals the soul’s “DISFIGUREMENT.” Gal.5:19-21—Works of the flesh will destroy and mar the soul. 2 Tim.3:1-8—Corrupt minds that are disapproved concerning the faith. 2 tim.4:3,4—Itching ears no longer desire the truth. 1 Tim.4:1,2—Conscience has been seared.

God’s Mirror for Man’s Soul This mirror’s function Reveals the soul’s “destiny.” Heaven or hell? Matthew 25:31-46 John 5:28,29 Romans 2:5-11 This mirror’s function Reveals the soul’s “DESTINY.” Heaven or Hell? Matthew 25:31-46—Judgment scene of the sheep and the goats. Jno.5:28,29—Resurrection to eternal life or eternal damnation. Rom.2:5-11—No partiality with God; each receives what he deserves according to his works.

God’s Mirror for Man’s Soul Proper use of this mirror Use the word constantly. Psalm 1:1-2; Colossians 3:16; 1 Peter 3:15;2 Peter 3:18; 2 Timothy 2:15 Use the word skillfully. 1 Peter 4:11; 2 Peter 3:16 God’s Mirror for Man’s Soul. Proper use of this mirror Use the word constantly Psa.1:1,2—meditate day and night. Col.3:16—let the word dwell in you richly. 1 Pet.3:15—be ready to give an answer for our hope. 2 Pet.3:18—grow in grace and knowledge. 2 Tim.2:15—study to rightfully divide the word. Use the word skillfully. 1 Pet.4:11—speak as oracles of God. 2 Pet.3:16—unstable people twist to their own destruction.

God’s Mirror for Man’s Soul Proper use of this mirror Be obedient to the word. James 1:23-25; 2 Corinthians 3:18; Galatians 2:20; Romans 12:2 Look within and continue therein! God’s Mirror for Man’s Soul Proper use of this mirror Be obedient to the word. Jam.1:23-25—not just a hearer but a doer of the word. Action! 2 Cor.3:18—transformed into the image of the Lord. Gal.2:20—allow Christ to live in you—by being crucified with Him. Rom.12:2—be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

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