on behalf of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration The search for gravitational waves from rotating neutron stars: Results from the LIGO Scientific Collaboration Alberto Vecchio on behalf of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration GR17 – Dublin, 22nd July, 2004 LIGO-G040305-00-Z
Outline Analysis of the data from the LIGO second science run (S2): Method Results: Upper-limits on 28 isolated neutron stars known as radio pulsars (including Crab) Searches in progress Wider parameter space and classes of sources Variety of algorithms and search approaches Future outlook “Mountain” on neutron star Wobbling neutron star Accreting neutron star R-modes GR17 – 22nd July, 2004 LIGO-G040305-00-Z A. Vecchio
Pointing at known neutron stars Targeted search of GWs from known isolated radio pulsars First science run (S1) analysis: upper-limit (95% confidence) on PSR J1939+2134: h0 < 1.4 x 10-22 (e < 2.9 x 10-4) Phys Rev D 69, 082004 (2004) Second science run (S2) analysis: 28 pulsars (all the ones above 50 Hz for which search parameters are “exactly” known) Data from the three LIGO interferometers GR17 – 22nd July, 2004 LIGO-G040305-00-Z A. Vecchio
Compute posterior pdfs Analysis method Bayesian time domain demodulation What we are searching for: GWs from non-precessing triaxial pulsars of known position, frequency and spin-down rate The unknown parameters in a targeted search are h0 - amplitude of the gravitational wave signal - polarization angle - angle between rotation axis and line-of-sight 0 - initial phase of pulsar Heterodyne, low-pass, average, calibrate Raw data Model Compute joint likelihood uniform priors on h0(>0), cosi, j0, y Compute posterior pdfs posterior prior likelihood Compute upper limits GR17 – 22nd July, 2004 LIGO-G040305-00-Z A. Vecchio
The 28 pulsars targeted for S2 B0021-72C B0021-72D B0021-72F B0021-72G B0021-72L B0021-72M B0021-72N B0531+21 (Crab) B1516+02A B1820-30A B1821-24 B1937+21 (S1) B1951+32 J0030+0451 J0711-6830 J1024-0719 J1629-6902 J1721-2457 J1730-2304 J1744-1134 J1748-2446C J1910-5959B J1910-5959C J1910-5959D J1910-5959E J1913+1011 J2124-3358 J2322+2057 There are 38 known isolated radio pulsars with fGW > 50 Hz, including PSR J1939+2134 (used in S1) and the Crab pulsar Timing information for 28 pulsars: Radio observations collected over S2/S3 for 18 of these ATNF catalogue used for 10 others The remaining 10 pulsars have not been included in the analysis because of outdated spin parameters (would require more that one template) GR17 – 22nd July, 2004 LIGO-G040305-00-Z A. Vecchio
Summary of S2 results h95 Preliminary – paper to be submitted soon Crab pulsar S1 J1939+2134 S2 h95 1 PDF strain J1910 – 5959D: h0 = 1.7 x 10-24 Preliminary – paper to be submitted soon GR17 – 22nd July, 2004 LIGO-G040305-00-Z A. Vecchio
Summary of S2 results ? ? Preliminary – paper to be submitted soon Ellipticity S2 Crab pulsars Spin-down upper-limit ? S1 J1939+2134 S2 Spin-down upper-limit ? Preliminary – paper to be submitted soon GR17 – 22nd July, 2004 LIGO-G040305-00-Z A. Vecchio
In progress: wide parameter space searches Coherent Incoherent Use F-statistic (Jaranowski et al, 1998) frequency domain analysis over part of the data set (< ½ day) for search at optimal sensitivity: All sky, wide band (~ 300 Hz ) search for monochromatic, isolated neutron stars Targeted search on Sco X-1 (accreting neutron star in a binary system) Sensitivity: Exploit efficiency of incoherent methods to probe a wide parameter space (all sky, ~200 Hz band, one spin-down parameter) using the full data set Hough transform (Krishnan et al, gr-qc/0407001) Stack-slide (Brady and T. Creighton, 2000) PowerFlux Sensitivity: GR17 – 22nd July, 2004 LIGO-G040305-00-Z A. Vecchio
Conclusions Analyses of the second LIGO science run (S2): Time-domain analysis of 28 known radio pulsars complete. Best upper-limit on amplitude: PSR J1910 – 5959D: h0 = 1.7 x 10-24 Best upper-limit on ellipticity: PSR J2124 – 3358: e = 4.5 x 10-6 Upper-limit on Crab pulsar is a factor ~30 from spin-down upper-limit Approaching completion: All-sky, broadband coherent frequency-domain search Sco X-1 coherent frequency-domain search All-sky incoherent searches Third science run (improved sensitivity LIGO/GEO run) Time-domain analysis on more pulsars, including binaries Approaching spin-down upper-limit for Crab pulsar Extend scope of wide parameter space searches GR17 – 22nd July, 2004 LIGO-G040305-00-Z A. Vecchio