Validated magnetic data at cold (SSS and S4). Status of the cold measurements in SM18 (MQ,MQM,MQY). Validated data that can be provided after cleaning Contribution from Block 4 data
Cold measurements in SM18 (validated data for FIDEL). MQ’s: 41 SSS/392 at the end of the project (including 5XX series). 39 measured, 2 to be measured. MQY : 13 SSS/18 measured in SM18 (3 with TF only). MQM : 13 SSS / 60 measured in SM18 (5 with TF only) 9 of them can be used immediately for the model, for the others only partial information (to be checked). Correctors : Strength measured at the end of the cold tests : 4 MQT, 2 MQS, 3 MQTL, 8 MSCB, 6 MCBC, 1 MCBY, 4 MCS, 4 MCD.
Knowledge after cleaning. Arc and special SSS’s Transfer function: TF for currents between injection and nominal in ramp up and ramp down (systematic correction with SSW measurements) Integrated harmonics: Integrated strength and multipoles between injection and nominal in ramp up and ramp down. Integrated components: Geometric, saturation, magnetization, hysteresis, decay (when it is measured). Variation of the decay with time (when it is measured). But data for a reference machine cycle!
Modeling of the other effects. Powering history dependence of the decay (b2, b6) Influence of FT_current: measured on 1 MQ, 1 MQM, 1 MQY. Decay dependence of the injection current. Value of injection current : measured on 1 MQY Injection current duration : measured on 1 MQM, 2 MQY,2 MQ. A complete set of measurements foreseen for 2007.
Block 4 contribution Situation presented at the FQWG meeting on 31 March 2006, see: and on 19 September 2006, see: In brief: reproducibility of rotation axis from test to test gives a random error of the order of 20-30 units for B2, but systematic over one run Relative measurements are reliable: so Block 4 measurements can provide results in the form TF(I, t)+const, {bi(I,t), ai(I,t)} W-C correlations are more or less good depending on the shaft, for h102 and h103 very bad, for h100 and h101 better but still with outliers (possibly due to anomalous permeability)
Block 4 measurements, available after cleaning Standard measurements now completed, that is: Load lines, mostly with min pre cycle current 100 A LHC cycles at 176 A (MQY) and 265 (MQM) injection current 48 MQM, 16 MQMC, 29 MQY apertures Need reconstruction of reference frame angle (already done for 38 MQM and 22 MQY apertures)
Strategy to reach reference tables for insertion quadrupoles B4 cold data Vertical shaft Warm data QUIMM mole SM18 cold data SSW Horizontal shaft, scanner TF(I, t, History) + const. HARM(I, t, History) warm, low I TF, HARM TF(Inom) ± 5 units TF(I, t, History) + const. HARM(I, t, History) warm/cold correlation cross calibration with SSW EXPECTED UNCERTAINTIES 15 MQY , 18 MQM ε=5 units 5 MQY, 63 MQM ε=? units 4 MQY, 17 MQM ap ε=16 units 17 MQM ap ε=21 units (MQM = MQM, MQML, MQMC) Our goal: Cold TF(I, t, History) ± ε Cold HARM(I, t, History) For each MQY and MQM aperture