Square Grand Piano Value What’s Your Square Grand Piano Worth?
Most of us have noticed that square grand pianos are sometimes misjudged by many people. They would usually say that square grands were not much of a piano and doesn’t play well like other types of pianos. Yes, they are beautiful and elegant with the outside but very prehistoric in style and design on the inside of it. For this reason, a lot of individuals are in doubt whether to have their square grand piano appraised or not. Square grand pianos were in fact the top piano choice in Europe and America in the middle of 19th century. On the other hand, we can notice that only a few people have ever seen or possess this kind of piano at present. Square pianos are considered a classic kind of instrument and of high-quality design. This is due to the fact that square grand pianos come from Victorian era of piano production when artisans would create, build, and carve the instrument with the use of their bare hands. In addition, the piano craftsmen during this period were using primitive and aged wood and logs just to build and assemble the cases and veneers of square pianos. For such reason, square grand piano can be valuable and worthy of any restoration.
If you appraise a square grand piano, you will not be disappointed with its worth. Although the process of restoring a square grand piano can be a tough and complicated job, having it refurbished is a good option. In fact, an American square grand piano has a tone that is described as Listztian bass and Tinkly Mozart treble. Square grands are found to be unique as what they have are two strings per harmony. Moreover, they have more compact soundboard meaning that they only produce smaller sound to accommodate homes during the Victorian era. If you have a square grand piano and you want it to be appraised, what you can get from them are more of furniture value and possibly as a vintage kind of instrument. There is indeed a market for them however not perfect for traditional piano market in which the focus is more on the sound quality and overall performance like what other pianos can provide.
Restored square grands can be sold for $30,000 to $50,000 Restored square grands can be sold for $30,000 to $50,000. The monetary value of a square piano depends actually on the year that it was created and if it has undergone a piano refurbishment or not. A good example of a valuable square grand is a Steinway square that is built in 1800’s. This vintage square grand can be worth $15,000 to $20,000.
You can also market an unrestored square grand piano for $200 up to $500. Unrestored Steinway square can cost much higher which can range from $1,500 and above. You will notice that the brand can have an impact on the value of a square grand piano. Steinway pianos are known for their quality and because they are rare, they have a higher value as compared to other square grand piano brands. Square pianos may not be a common piano nowadays and yet it is considered to be the most valuable and oldest piano type that is loaded with history and culture. It may not be as functional and efficient like concert grand or baby grand but it contains features that you can’t find on many contemporary piano models today.