22 kDa a-coixin gene cluster Supplemental Fig. S2 – (A) Alignment of sequences amplified from the coix genome using sequence specific and degenerated primers. Only full length α-coixin are represented. The coix genomic sequence containing a cluster of 22 kDa α-coixins from Coix lacryma jobi (by Zhou, L. et al. 2010) were used as template to align the amplified 22 kDa α-coixin. Boxes represent the 22 kDa and 22 kDa-like α-coixin amplified in this work aligned to the previous published genomic sequence. The numbers at the extremities of the box indicate the position of the gene in the genomic region and the numbers above the boxes indicate identical/total nucleotides and the % similarity between our sequences and the published ones. The blue box refers to the 22 kDa -coixin 6 previously annotated as a 22 kDa pseudo α-prolamin because of a premature stop-codon. In our sequence this stop codon is absent and the gene constitute a full length 22 kDa -coixin. Red boxes indicate 22 kDa α-coixins containing 12 -helix domains. (B) New prolamin referred to 22 kDa α-coixin 7 identified in this work. This new 22 kDa α-coixin possess only 79% a similarity at nucleotide level against the genomic region containing the 22 kDa α-coixin cluster and is located in a different genomic region. 22 kDa a-coixin gene cluster 22 kDa α-coixin 7 Located elsewhere in the coix genome 578/733 (79%) 1 283.037 ... 60.000 22 kDa α-coixin 4 22 kDa α-coixin 5 181.176 180.314 α-coixin 2 861/863 (99%) 862/863 (99%) 864/868 (99%) α-coixin 3 857/861 (99%) 249.644 248.778 α-coixin 1 206.233 207.092 857/860 (99%) 22 kDa-like α-coixin 1 85.013 991/944 (99%) 84.070 174.744 173.884 177.100 177.962 22 kDa-like α-coixin 2 997/999 (99%) 61.856 60.858 22 kDa α-coixin 6 253.867 908/910 (99%) 252.937 A B