Drosophila Simulations Activity © David Faure, InThinking www.biology-inthinking.co.uk
Learn to identify the fly phenotypes and the male and female flies, click “Find out about”
Hover over each of the flies
Morgan’s first experiment
Make a prediction about the second cross.
Morgan’s White Eyed Male Breeding Experiments
Select white eyed male and wild type female
Carry out a cross
Click “Cross”
F1 offspring flies appear, ready for sorting F1 offspring flies appear, ready for sorting. Drag each fly into a box, top right.
Notice the green tick – if you sort correctly
Final totals / 25 for first cross
Click “cross” again for a second run, note first totals and sort the second set of flies.
Add your results to the chi squared test
Can females be white eyed?
F1 x F1 - cross the heterozygous flies – drag one of each fly to the “New parent” boxes
Click Cross – to see F2 offspring
Sort the flies once again for F2 results.
Choose a white eye male and a heterozygous wild type female, drag them to the “New parents” boxes
Notice the white eyed females
Add your results to the chi squared test
Morgan hypothesized that the eye colour trait was connected to the sex chromosome.
More evidence of gene linkage
Chose a female wild type and a scarlet eyed and ebony body male for the next experiment
Notice the F1 flies are all wild type (but heterozygous)
Choose a male and a female as new parents
Click “Cross”, then sort the F2 flies Click “Cross”, then sort the F2 flies. Notice the low number of recombinants !
A final chi-square test of goodness of fit
Linkage notation
A new type of punnet square for linkage