Southwest Asia Geography and Religious/Ethnic Group Test Study Guide Southwest Asia Geography and Religious/Ethnic Group
Israel and Saudi Arabia use _______ irrigation which measures out how much water each plant needs and delivers it to the plant Drip
2. Saudi Arabia uses _________ which is a process of removing salt from sea water for use. Desalination
3. What is the problem with using that method of creating fresh water? It is very expensive.
4. _______ is a nation in Southwest Asia that has some water and is mostly desert. Iran
5. Constant use of fertilizers has led to a build-up of _____ in the soil making it difficult to grow crops. Salt
6. How has use of chemical fertilizers affected water supplies in Southwest Asia? Runoff from chemical fertilizers has contaminated or polluted the water supply.
7. Give two reasons why countries build dams in the Middle East. To create artificial lakes to use water for irrigation and hydroelectric power
8. When a country builds a dam, what problem does it cause for other countries sharing that same river? Leads to conflict because the other countries further downstream get less water.
9. What nations share the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers? Turkey Iraq
10. Jordan and Syria share the Jordan River with what other nation? Israel
What is the largest ethnic group in Southwest Asia? Arabs
The Persians are the majority ethnic group in which nation? Iran
Most Kurds belong to which religious group? Sunni Muslims
The Kurds live in the mountainous regions of which nations? Turkey, Syria, Iran, and Iraq
Why have the Kurds been fighting in Southwest Asia? They want land so that they can create their own nation.
Why did Mohammad flee from the city of Mecca? The wealthy citizens were attempting to kill him because his teachings criticized them for neglecting the poor.
What did Mohammad do after fleeing to the city of Medina? He created a large army that went back to Mecca and captured the city.
Why did the Romans crucify Jesus? They feared His power because He was teaching of a coming kingdom and had a large following.
Why did the Jews want Jesus crucified? They felt that His teachings went against their teachings or beliefs.
What led to the Shia and Sunni split in the religion of Islam? They could not agree on who should lead the religion after the death of Muhammad and his closest friends.
What is the diaspora? The scattering of the Jews throughout the world.
What led to the start of the diaspora of the Jews? The Romans destroyed the Jewish temple and exiled the Jews out of Jerusalem in A.D. 70.