Discipleship Key passages Cost of discipleship 8:34-38 The Widow at the Treasury 12:41-44 Call of the Disciples 1:16-20 Mission of the Twelve 6:7-13 Peter’s Promise & Denial 14:26-31, 66-72 The Commission 16:14-18 Parables of the Kingdom 4:3-9, 14-20, 30-32 The rich man 10:17-31 Teaching on service 10:42-45 The Greatest Commandment 12:28-34 Explain what the costs of being a disciple might be? Discipleship Explain what is meant by the Kingdom of God Why was the woman at the treasury praised by Jesus? Explain the parable of the Mustard seed? ‘The Disciples were not good role models’. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer showing you have thought about more than one point of view? How can a Christian today be a disciple of Jesus?