Genesis 3 The Fall
Serpent Serpent-Crafty Very close to same use and naked in verse 25 Crafty can be good and bad Wise as serpents Serpent was revered in ancient east and disdained by some Unclean in Mosaic community
Serpent Why was Eve not alarmed the serpent could talk? Was it a part of Eden or wild animal? Was the serpent Satan? Was Satan in serpent form at the time? What did Satan fall?
Satan Revelation 12:7-12 Satan was an angel He is a deceiver 2 Corinthians 11:14-Deceiver of light Possibly appeared different
Angels Genesis 18-Abraham Genesis 19-Lot Hebrews 13:2-Entertaining angels
Sin Genesis 1:31-All was good? When did evil enter? We don’t know Genesis doesn’t say
What did Serpent do? Doesn’t outright convert the words of 2:16 but questions God’s motivation Uses God and not Lord which is covenant word Adds not to the beginning of the command Leaves out freely Makes you plural from 2:16 CAUSED DOUBT
Woman First mistake was talking to serpent Then she misrepresented God’s command as serpent did Serpent drew her to another possible interpretation She omits any and freely which gave them liberality Identifies tree by location and not context
Woman Refers to God not as Lord as serpent did Adds the phrase you must not touch The woman wasn’t present when God gave the command so how does she know?
Satan Satan has her engaged so he directly confronts God’s command saying NOT in the beginning of verse 4 He is now accusing God He makes 3 claims: They will not die, your eyes will be opened, and gain what belongs to God.
Satan Claims were not completely false but a different outcome than he promised Only spoke of what she would gain (Still does) Eyes were opened but saw only nakedness Died physically and expulsed from the Garden