Hollywood — district of Los Angeles, California, located north-west of the city center. Hollywood has traditionally been associated with the American film industry, because in this area there is a lot of studios, and home of many famous film actors.
There is The world-famous avenue Fame - on the sidewalk Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street, which invested more than 2500 five-pointed stars with names movie stars.
Birth By the early twentieth century there were dozens of small studios, mainly in New York City. Expensive rent, constant lawsuits , a large number of cloudy and rainy days, and the lighting in the halls due to poorly developed lighting tools and small sensitivity of film depended on sunlight , prevented the film industry . The village of Hollywood , dubbed from a huge ranch , who was in her place at the end of XIX century , located in the vicinity of the provincial Los Angeles , with exceptional climatic and geographical features : more than 300 days of sunshine a year, the nearby mountain ranges ( including the famous Grand Canyon ) , vast expanses of prairie and Pacific coast. City near by could supply construction materials and labor resources , and eventually become a center for the production of film equipment and film material ( which is what happened in the future ) . Building land battered almost nothing, and Hollywood has begun an unprecedented building boom.
Famous studios In 1912, "Paramount" (the name since 1927). In 1924, "Metro - GOLDEN - Meyer." In 1925, "Warner Brothers".
Famous directors Steven Spielberg Martin Scorsese Francis Ford Coppola James Cameron
Famous actors Jack Nicholson, Brad Pitt, Marlon Brando
Robert De Niro, Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington
Famous actress Marilyn Monroe, Julia Roberts, Audrey Hepburn
Meryl Streep, Sharon Stone
"Oscar" - Annual National Award of the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts, the boss itself was conceived studio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer by Louis B. Mayer. Home Film Awards in the U.S.. The ceremony of awarding "Oscars" is broadcast in dozens of countries on the air. The first award ceremony of the "Oscar" was held on May 16, 1929 at «Roosevelt» in Hollywood. Since the first ceremony broadcast event was held on the radio, and since 1953 - on television.
Walt Disney got most "Oscars" Walt Disney got most "Oscars" . The first - in 1932 for the cartoon of the series about Mickey Mouse. Subsequent "Oscars" hailed - he was getting them every year, and the total - 26.
"Ben-Hur" (1959), "Titanic" (1997) and "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" (2003) received most of all "Oscars" - 11.
Ten "Oscars“ are received by "West Side Story" (1961), "Gone with the Wind" (1939).
Nine - "Gigi" (1958), "The Last Emperor" (1987), "The English Patient" (1996).
Eight - "Slumdog Millionaire."
Among the actors Jack Nicholson was nominated in the "Oscar" the most frequently - a total of 12 times (8 times in the leading roles, and 4 for supporting actor).
Among the actress Meryl Streep has set a similar record - 15 nominations (two wins).
Nowadays we love Hollywood for it has many great actors and wonderful directors, who give us many exciting and amazing films which we adore.
That’s all) Thank you for attention!