1. Introduction: general information LPP moved from Vélizy to Ecole Polytechnique at the middle of January 2001 Induced unavailability of some people for some months Some difficulties in general computer facilities at lab level ( mass processing of new products will not be possible for some months). The situation is improving continuously. 5th Operation Review of CAA, ESTEC, 09 June 2010
1. Introduction: status of the archive STAFF-SC NBR and HBR mode ¤ Monthly produced on LPP web site: http://www.lpp.polytechnique.fr Product Content Level Produced and Delivered to CAA C?_CP_STA_DWF_NBR/HBR Decommutated Waveform 1 Version 02 01 Jan 2001/31 Dec 2006 Version 03 01 Jan 2007/31 Dec 2008 C?_CP_STA_CWF_NBR/HBR Calibrated waveform 2 none C?_CP_STA_CS_NBR/HBR Spectra 01 Jan 2001/31 Dec 2005 01 Jan 2006/31 Dec 2008 CL_CG_STA_SC_SPECTRO_NBR/HBR Spectrograms Plots ¤ 3 01 Jan 2001/31 Jul 2009 5th Operation Review of CAA, ESTEC, 09 June 2010
a. STAFF-SC (continued) TCOR: we are still waiting for 2009 TCOR. As soon as we will get them, DWF and then CS will be produced and delivered. Data gap in TCOR files: caveat files will be produced and delivered together with CWF new products CWF new products: work is in progress (details will be given later in the presentation). 5th Operation Review of CAA, ESTEC, 09 June 2010
¤ Note that 24 hours of CPU time are required to process one month of data Version 3 has a best decom since CD are concatenated (less waste) b. STAFF-SA Product Content Level Mode Num. of files Produced and Delivered to CAA C?_CP_STA_AGC Automatic Gain control 2 All 1 file / 1 sat. / 24h Version 3 01-01-2001/ 31-082009 C?_CP_STA_PSD Power Spectral Density C?_CP_STA_SM Spectral Matrix ¤ C?_CP_STA_PPP Polarization and Propagation Parameters 3 Version 2 Feb. 2001 C?_CQ_STA_PSDNEG PSDNEG caveat Auxilliary 01-01- 2001/ 31-08-2009 C?_CQ_STA_NOTSRP NOTSRP caveat 5th Operation Review of CAA, ESTEC, 09 June 2010
a. STAFF-SA (continued) Already 2 new caveat files delivered - PSDNEG - NOTSRP 2 other caveats files remain to be defined - Low attitude/FGM coverage: the change to MFA coordinate system cannot be done, so there will be fillvalue in the PPP datasets. - The other caveat remains to be defined: it will concern the EFW Y/Z in density mode. 5th Operation Review of CAA, ESTEC, 09 June 2010
5th Operation Review of CAA, ESTEC, 09 June 2010 2. Management Flow chart 5th Operation Review of CAA, ESTEC, 09 June 2010
3. Status of software development a. STAFF-SC production chain L1 product DWF: Version 03 This version is operational. 2005-2007 DWF has been produced/redelivered. New data headers are included to allow the addition of caveat files, to update laboratory name and emails. In the telemetry, data are time tagged by blocks of 25/45 vectors, corresponding to NBR(25Hz)/HBR(450Hz) mode. In version 03, the real value of the sample rate, slightly different for each spacecraft, but constant over time, is used. It insures a better continuity between each block. L2 product CS: Version 03 This version is operational. 2006/2007 CS has been produced/redelivered. New data headers are included to allow the add of caveat files, to update laboratory name and emails. L2 product CWF: Version 01 The S/W is under development. See part 4 of the presentation. Data quality verification tool: to verify that the new format L2 data are consistent with the previous one. 5th Operation Review of CAA, ESTEC, 09 June 2010
3. Status of software development (continued) b. STAFF-SA production chain L2 products in version 04: * Production of NEW dataset headers (SM, AGC, PSD): to include caveat files; to update laboratory name and emails. * Correction of EOF. * PSD negative values removed. * SM: PSDNEG caveat files when PSD have negative values. * PSD/SM: NOTSRP caveat files has been produced and included in the headers of the data files. L3 products: PPP Version 01: Format of the datasets was wrong. Version 02: The chain is operational. Same caveats than SM: NOTSRP, PSDNEG Software remaining to be written: A caveat which gives the times where the change coordinate of SM data couldn’t have been done: Low attitude/FGM coverage. Another caveat needs to be defined depending on EFW mode of operation: waiting for some EFW answers and/or some more study. 5th Operation Review of CAA, ESTEC, 09 June 2010
4. Status of Experiment Activity: Calibration/Cross-Calibration Continuous Calibration Method program is running. Test on kernel size (length of calibration window) achieved. Results lead to 1024 pts in NBR to avoid some modulation at 2*Fs on continuous despun signal. Note that below (512 pts), a ~ 0.2 degrees phase modulation of spin signal in raw data is observed. It induces a few nT modulation on X and Y components of the calibrated signal. Conclusion: 1024 pts are required to get a good data quality nevertheless CPU time consuming. Details remain to be done before mass processing. * Saturation checks * Data gaps management * Code optimization 5th Operation Review of CAA, ESTEC, 09 June 2010
5th Operation Review of CAA, ESTEC, 09 June 2010 Validation Method: Comparison between STAFF-SC CWF & FGM HR waveforms Conditions: High DC, High fluctuations Always ~ 10 % on the DC field But DC mainly along X Rather good agreement ! No DC for Bz STAFF, but fluctuations look the same Presented at 10th CAA Cross-Calibration meeting, Paris, 2-4 November 2009 5th Operation Review of CAA, ESTEC, 09 June 2010
Example of Future CWF product CWF will be delivered in GSE coordinate system (CAA recommendation) Filtered above 0.5 Hz. Whatever Low sensitivity at low frequencies. No DC component on Z. 5th Operation Review of CAA, ESTEC, 09 June 2010
Comparisons STAFF-SC/FGM: Main conclusions Whatever the conditions (low or high perpendicular DC field, weak or strong magnetic pulsations) all studies lead to the same conclusions: The relative amplitude difference between STAFF and FGM is not dependant of the frequency. This difference is always (with STAFF lower than FGM), ~10% for S/C#2,3 and 4 and~20% for S/C#1. After investigation the difference on S/C#1 with respect to other spacecraft is due to a sensor initial calibration error on ground (before launch). S/C #1 transfer function is suspicious and has to be corrected before CWF production. The systematic 10 % difference source has to be identified. Further studies are needed. 5th Operation Review of CAA, ESTEC, 09 June 2010
5. Status of dataset delivery Product Until now SC DWF 2008 SC Complex spectra SC Images 31/07/2009 SC CWF New SA AGC/ PSD / SM 09/2009 SA Polarisation/ Propagation New 02/2001 SA PSDNEG Caveat New SA NOTSRP Caveat New 5th Operation Review of CAA, ESTEC, 09 June 2010
6. Data delivery plan for the Remaining Years Product 2010 2011 2012 2013 SC DWF 2009 SC Complex spectra SC Images End of 2009 SC CWF New 2001 2002 – 2010 SA AGC/ PSD / SM SA Polarisation/ Propagation New 2001-2003 2004 – 2010 For STAFF-SC products, the planning is subject to the availability of TCOR files (Waiting for TCOR 2009). 5th Operation Review of CAA, ESTEC, 09 June 2010
5th Operation Review of CAA, ESTEC, 09 June 2010 7. Documentation Calibration report and user guide: - Versions 02 have been produced and delivered (May 2010). - Both will be updated as soon as CWF dataset will be delivered. ICD: - A version 4.0 has been produced and delivered (May 2010). - A version 5.0 will be produced when new products are delivered. 5th Operation Review of CAA, ESTEC, 09 June 2010
8. Replies of the Recommendations 3rd Operation review (2008) T1: CLOSED Two caveats for STAFF-SA Level 2 data have been produced and delivered. NOTSRP caveat: associated to SM/PSD/PPP in eclipse. It informs the users when the SRP (Sun Reference Pulse) times is not recorded in the S/C housekeeping in eclipse umbra. PSDNEG caveat: associated to SM/PPP, concerning PSD negative values that could be used to calculate the diagonal terms of the spectral matrix. New caveats for PPP are coming soon. T5: IN PROGRESS All data from year 2001-2009 will be provided before June 2010 depending on TCOR availability. 4th Operation review (2009) R2a: About CWF 5SC), PPP (SA): IN PROGRESS STAFF-SA PPP: Software has been developed. Feb. 2001 data have been produced and delivered. New associated caveats are under-development. STAFF-SC CWF: In progress. Software is under-development. First results presented in the last cross-cal meetings. R12: User Guide improvement: See User Guide V2.0. R14: About continuation of cross-calibration activities: See Cal. Report. V2.0 T1: PSD negative: les prochaines, on aura remplacé les psd negative par des fill value;, dans un premier temps, on a decide de ne pas reprocesser les donnees mais d’informer les users à l’interieur du userguide et d’écrire un fichier de caveat...next month... 5th Operation Review of CAA, ESTEC, 09 June 2010
9. Status of the action items CC8-AI-45: OPEN, due date next Cross-Cal Workshop. O. Santolik, WBD and STAFF COI, has been contacted and will work on it. STA08-AI-1: CLOSED NOTSRP caveat has been produced and delivered. STA08-AI-2: CLOSED PSD negative values have been removed in PSD products version 04. PSDNEG caveat has been produced and delivered. STA09-AI-1: CLOSED All dataset headers have been completed, corrected and delivered. STA09-AI-7: CLOSED To describe DWF flag and CS caveat in the UG. Present also figure for the case of spin modulation in the UG. See User Guide V2.0. CC10-AI-7: OPEN To include the UG and CR some information about the noise level of the measurements for high frequency waves where WHISPER appears to detect weaker signal. For ref. see STAFF-SA presentation. M. Maksimovic has been contacted. 5th Operation Review of CAA, ESTEC, 09 June 2010
9. Status of the action items (continued) CC10-AI-8: OPEN To explain the processing details of STAFF-WHISPER comparisons. M. Maksimovic has been contacted. CC10-AI-9: CLOSED Prassadco software has been modified to allow FGM 5VPS data as input for the coordinate system transformation in MFA. CC11-AI-1: OPEN, due to 15th June 2010. To indicate the waveform datasets intervals for which TCOR is unavailable to correct time. It will be done together with calibrated waveforms delivery. CC11-AI-2: CLOSED To update ICD and UG according to the PM discussion and submit them together with other review documentation. See UG and ICD. CC11-AI-3: OPEN To make a poster for the 10th anniversary of the Cluster mission in Corfu 27 Sept. – 1 Oct. 2010. It will be done in due time. Tous les B :STAFF-SC/STAFF-SA, tous les E: EFW/STAFF-SA/WHISPER Particules: sis and rapid, peace and rapid 5th Operation Review of CAA, ESTEC, 09 June 2010
10. Replies of the Recommendations of the 2009 Peer review: ALL TEAMS PR09-ALL01 CLOSED In general the UG needs to show illustrative examples of many of the instrument « issues » that the user needs to be aware of. See UG Chap. 6 PR09-ALL02 It is highly important to provide users with caveat information and its existence should clearly be stated in the UG. PR09-ALL05 There is almost no discussion of data errors/standard deviations, and that assessment of instrument quality is at best qualitative. See UG Chap. 2 and 6 PR09-ALL06 The inter-calibration effort is still on-going and that many of the reports are preliminary. Should be added in the CR. See CR V2.0. It will be updated again when we will get new results. PR09-ALL08 CAA user interface has been modified. The instruments UG should be restructed to reflect this. See UG version 02 PR09-ALL09 There are further plans for the CAA to provide a set of on-going cross-calibration plots to allow the users his or her own assessment of instrument performance. Should be added in the CR. T1: PSD negative: les prochaines, on aura remplacé les psd negative par des fill value;, dans un premier temps, on a decide de ne pas reprocesser les donnees mais d’informer les users à l’interieur du userguide et d’écrire un fichier de caveat...next month... 5th Operation Review of CAA, ESTEC, 09 June 2010
10. Replies of the Recommendations of the 2009 Peer review: ALL TEAMS PR09-ALL10 CLOSED The highest fidelity data are the CAA data and their use should be encouraged. If other data sources are used, caveat as to their limitations should be included. STAFF uses only CAA datasets. PR09-ALL11 OPEN The digital version of a lot of calibration results presented in the CR should also be archived at the CAA. It will come with the new product CWF (ex: Perp. DC field from STAFF). PR09-ALL12 IN PROGRESS Some reference documents listed in the UGs are internal to the teams. All referenced documents should be available at the CAA. Some document only exist in printed versions PR09-ALL13 To get a quicker overview of the data products, the UG should contain a table of ALL datasets in annex, including the datasets names and title and a brief description/comment where necessary e.g. on time resolutions, units, etc. See UG PR09-ALL14 All teams should include some flags in their data to indicate usability. Caveats have been added; flags will come on new products T1: PSD negative: les prochaines, on aura remplacé les psd negative par des fill value;, dans un premier temps, on a decide de ne pas reprocesser les donnees mais d’informer les users à l’interieur du userguide et d’écrire un fichier de caveat...next month... 5th Operation Review of CAA, ESTEC, 09 June 2010
10. Replies of the Recommendations of the 2009 Peer review: STAFF PR09-STA01 DONE The UG needs to be improved. A version 02 has been delivered. A version 03 will follow. PR09-STA02 CLOSED UG should lists: Data sets contents, name and nature of variable (time series, vector…), units, supporting data (mode, spin phase, etc…) and quality flag. See chap. 5 of UG PR09-STA03 IN PROGRESS Provide in the UG plotted examples of the most significant datasets to check outputs of users own software, including use of quality flags to illustrate their importance. Example plots of principal products are included in the UG PR09-STA04 The interpretation of the science datasets requires some additional information about the position of the instrument on the spacecraft, reference angles, reference frame, etc. See UG chap. 2 PR09-STA05 It is recommended to delivered CWF data as soon as possible. The provision of quality flags should be considered for the CWF to reflect the difficulties in production. A development software is running. Needs some improvements for mass production. Flags will be incorporated PR09-STA06 The data collected in calibration mode should be provided (Annex of UG or CR). After cross-calibration completed. T1: PSD negative: les prochaines, on aura remplacé les psd negative par des fill value;, dans un premier temps, on a decide de ne pas reprocesser les donnees mais d’informer les users à l’interieur du userguide et d’écrire un fichier de caveat...next month... 5th Operation Review of CAA, ESTEC, 09 June 2010
10. Replies of the Recommendations of the 2009 Peer review: STAFF PR09-STA07 IN PROGRESS Improve the usability of STAFF-SA data. The team should consider including supplementary information in the documentation and datasets to take this into account. Some caveats have already been delivered: NOTSRP and PSDNEG. New caveats are coming. All documentation has been deeply revised PR09-STA08 CLOSED SA and SC should be delivered in the same physical referenced frame. Chosen on purpose for the best data return and archiving reasons. PR09-STA09 The 5x5 spectral matrix of STAFF-SA is not enough to provide a publication level datasets. Short terms : PPP. Feb. 2001 of new product PPP has already been produced and delivered. The rest will follow in the following months. PR09-STA10 Prassadco at CAA. O. Santolik has been contacted. He doesn’t want to have his software on 2 different websites. As PPP are coming, no more need. PR09-STA11 It was found out that at least in one case the time tags of SC waveforms did not match with those of EFW waveforms in burst mode (450 Hz) and STAFF-SC waveforms. Maybe TCOR, activated on STAFF and not on EFW PR09-STA12 The document (UG) should discuss the discrepancies between similar data from other instruments (FGM, EFW, Whisper, WBD) and present an assessment when one may be better than the others. What should the users do in such cases? Conclusions of Calibration document are reported in the UG. Some XCal studies to continue T1: PSD negative: les prochaines, on aura remplacé les psd negative par des fill value;, dans un premier temps, on a decide de ne pas reprocesser les donnees mais d’informer les users à l’interieur du userguide et d’écrire un fichier de caveat...next month... 5th Operation Review of CAA, ESTEC, 09 June 2010
5th Operation Review of CAA, ESTEC, 09 June 2010 11. Open issues STAFF-SC: * Gaps in the TCOR files: We need to test if it implies some time discontinuities in the DWF at the s level. * Complex Spectra (CS): Good considering the quality except around the spin frequency (0.25 Hz) where important noise (remnant of the spin signal ) is observed especially on the X and Y components close to perigee. But 10% of difference with FGM in the low frequency band has to be understood. The additional 10 % with S/C1 should be solved soon, before CWF delivery. STAFF SA: Electric components may be affected by the EFW preamplifier failure on some of the spacecraft (see table). The STAFF SA onboard despin doesn’t permit to get rid of this problem and thus the 2 despun components telemetry data are affected. Describe here if there are any issues that affect the quality of the experiment datasets. S/C # Date of failure 1 28/12/2001 2 13/05/2007 3 29/07/2002 5th Operation Review of CAA, ESTEC, 09 June 2010
5th Operation Review of CAA, ESTEC, 09 June 2010 The End. 5th Operation Review of CAA, ESTEC, 09 June 2010