Power BI – Dashboard in a Day FY16 PIE Program Deck
Power BI – Dashboard in a Day Qualified Partners: Gold/Silver Data Platform Competency, Gold/Silver Data Analytics Competency, or Gold Project and Portfolio Management Competency Description Products Activities Payout Details Customer Segments Additional Requirements Marketing funds to drive your business intelligence practice with Dashboard in a Day. Connect with Power BI and Office 365 E5 customers to provide hands on training or with business analysts on how to get started with Power BI. Target audience is Business Analyst and BI Professionals interested in using Data Visualizations to improve upon existing business intelligence and broaden access and consumption of actionable insights Microsoft Power BI Customer Event $2,000 per event CAM, CTM, Public Sector, EPG, Major Deliverables: ½ day hands on session with 15-20 attendees at a Microsoft office, MTC or partner office Lite breakfast or lunch 4 hours of content including hands on lab, demo’s and Power BI Partner deck Call to action is a POC with attending customers Sign up for Power BI Red Carpet Program at aka.ms/powerbipartner See Dashboard in a Day content on “Get Pre-Sales Support” under Marketing Materials. For more information, contact Alan Herrera (aherrera@microsoft.com)
Event Marketing: Proof of Execution Activity Types Example of Tactics Description Funding Amount Proof of Execution Documentation Event Marketing Customer Event An in-person event with a small group of customers, typically educational in nature. They are usually focused on a single topic. Ratio of presenters to audience members: 1: few or 1: many. $2,000 At least one of each of the following is required: Tactic Copy Electronic copy of the event invitation Summary of Approach Number of prospects/targets Copy of collateral, MS content, locations, dates, attendee type, invitees, evaluations, press clips, publications represented Circulation and Reporting Number of attendees, leads generated, unique articles/mentions Post mortem report on success of the event (purpose of the event should be clear upfront to measure success) Receipts Invoice(s)/receipt(s) from third-party vendor including: items contracted for delivery; date delivered; amount Internal generated invoice if third-party vendors were not used