CHAPTER 15 Transformations Around the Globe


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Presentation transcript:

CHAPTER 15 Transformations Around the Globe 1800-1914

In China, a weak government could not resist European power In China, a weak government could not resist European power. In Japan, a reforming emperor modernized the country and launched imperialist expansion. The Latin American economies fell prey to European businesses, and the US became the dominant power in the region.

In the late 1700s, China was self-sufficient (rice farming) Western economic pressure forced China to open to foreign trade and influence. In the late 1700s, China was self-sufficient (rice farming) China allowed limited trade with European powers.

Britain brought opium to China which caused devastation and conflict. Chinese groups rebelled against the government. (many want to get rid of all Western influence)

European powers and Japan gained control over Chinese economics.

What caused China to eventually trade with England?

Japan had been isolated for 200 years until the US demanded trade. Japan followed the model of Western powers by expanding its foreign influence. Japan had been isolated for 200 years until the US demanded trade.

The emperor was determined to modernize his country. By 1890, Japan was the strongest military power in Asia.

How might Japan’s effort to modernize “fore shadowing” future world events?

LATIN AMERICA After a long struggle for independence, Latin America needed to rebuild economically.

Cycle of poverty for most citizens Few wealthy land owners Military experience created military leaders

US and Britain became main trading partners Export economic base Cacao, coffee, bananas, cotton, sugar cane imported manufactured goods (didn’t build their own factories) Little money spent on infrastructure improvements

US influence in Latin America Good relationship with neighbors = security Monroe Doctrine: “Don’t even think about trying to have power here in our hemisphere”

Spanish-American war: US helps Cuba get independence from Spain Panama canal: US funded

How could you consider the US “Imperialists” in Latin America?

US fights to keep Texas and other territories MEXICAN REVOLUTION US fights to keep Texas and other territories Try to establish national identity Overcome French occupation Mexican Revolution 1910