Kentucky THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION (NSF) is the only federal agency whose mission includes support for all fields of fundamental science and engineering. BY THE NUMBERS Kentucky in FY 2016 $32 Million: NSF funds awarded 23: NSF-funded institutions 137: NSF grant awards “Colleges and universities are the economic engines of our country, the foundation of prosperity in our communities and the greatest asset for long-term global competitiveness.” − Eli Capilouto, President, University of Kentucky EXAMPLES OF NSF-FUNDED RESEARCH IN KENTUCKY An NSF-funded engineer at the University of Kentucky has demonstrated that a specialized coating on the surface of implanted medical devices can reduce the chances of blood clots and other negative side effects. A team of researchers from Berea College and the University of Minnesota have developed a miniature robot scout that can obtain reconnaissance surveillance data in areas that pose significant risk to humans. The robots can withstand repeated impact, and therefore can be thrown into position or deployed from unmanned aerial vehicles. Researchers from Western Kentucky University and the University of Nairobi are developing low-cost, automated systems to reduce crop damage by large mammals in sub-Saharan Africa, where some areas have seen crop losses greater than 90 percent. Courtesy: INVESTMENT IN SCIENCE = INVESTMENT IN KENTUCKY Kentucky universities awarded nearly 2,000 masters and doctorate degrees in science, engineering, and technology fields in 2013.1 Kentucky has about 6,000 high technology businesses that employ 124,000 people. 1 NSF-funded research contributed to the generation of 236 patent awards in Kentucky between 2000 and 2009.2 The University of Kentucky ranks 66th nationally in terms of science and engineering expenditures.1 Kentucky companies received $47 million in venture capital in 2014.1 Research grants and contracts from the University of Kentucky contributed $367 million to Kentucky’s economy.3 1 Science and Engineering Indicators 2016 NSF 2 R&D Dashboard 3University of Kentucky Economic Impact Brochure 2014 Coalition for National Science Funding (CNSF)
Kentucky Since 1952, NSF has supported nearly 50,000 graduate students through research fellowships. Kentucky received $4 million in NSF educational funding in FY 2016. THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION (NSF) not only funds cutting-edge research at institutions across the country; NSF’s education initiatives ensure the U.S. will remain a global leader in innovation for generations to come. EXAMPLES OF NSF-FUNDED EDUCATION PROGRAMS IN KENTUCKY The University of Kentucky and nine other colleges are working with 38 schools districts in eastern and central Kentucky to eliminate the achievement gap in science, math, and technology in preK-12 students by creating a high quality teacher workforce. NSF funded the construction of a new research center at Eastern Kentucky University’s Lilley Cornett Woods Field Station. The new facility is used in K-16 environmental education programs to provide students hands on research experience. The Automotive Manufacturing Technical Education Collaborative is creating a pipeline of skilled workers who are trained at community colleges to work in the auto industry. Researchers from the University of Louisville are studying the impact of informal engineering learning on undergraduates creativity and innovation. Courtesy: “We live in a ‘New Economy,’ a knowledge-based economy, where the most important input into the production process is human capital – brain power. We understand the value of education, and in particular higher education, and how strong research universities are vital to our economic future.” − Dr. James R. Ramsey, Former President, University of Louisville “Kentucky needs its universities to be economic development drivers that respond to the needs of business and industry and to be forces for solving problems and improving the quality of life for all those within our reach – whether within the confines of our hometowns or across the globe in a remote African village.” − Dr. Gary A. Ransdell, President, Western Kentucky University Coalition for National Science Funding (CNSF)