Scaling up local green enterprise solutions Towards a global action agenda
Overview Opportunity: Local green enterprises can deliver the kind of integrated solutions needed to address p-e-c challenges and accelerate the transition to an inclusive green economy. Challenge: How to remove barriers and more effectively support and scale LGE innovations and impact. Approach: Moving from the traditional ‘project’ approach to a more integrated programmatic approach focused on creating the enabling conditions for supporting and scaling up local solutions.
Scope of work Phase 1: PEP working paper and diagnostic tools Aim is to provide the framework for a broader effort to develop and mobilize support for a global action agenda on scaling up local green enterprise solutions for the SDGs. Develop a set of diagnostic tools to help identify the policies, resources and capacities needed for LGE-led development, and to assess the performance of LGEs in delivering integrated p-e-c solutions and outcomes.
Scope of work Phase 2: Outreach and action 3 proposed elements: Country-level testing and demonstration of the diagnostic tools and programmatic approach to scaling. Knowledge sharing and capacity building – for example: developing an e-course as part of the UNITAR Capacity for the 2030 Agenda training initiative; partnering with the Green Growth Knowledge Platform. Launching a dialogue and consultation process to formulate a global action agenda and explore the potential for a global multi-stakeholder partnership initiative on scaling up LGE solutions for the SDGs.
Next steps Formalize PEP working group – initially Austria; CANARI; GEC; GGGI; IIED; Uganda EcoTrust; UNDP; WWF Explore forming an external ‘LGE support group’ (input; sounding board) Draft funding proposal, including work plan and budget Initial conference call – review funding proposal/work plan/budget Drafting of PEP working paper GEC global meeting (Trinidad, 1-3 Nov. 2017) – joint session with PEP working group on local green enterprises