Amendments 11-27 & Incorporation of the Bill of Rights Information for 4.3
Amendments Affecting President The 12th Amendment
Amendments Affecting President The 20th Amendment Important vocabulary: Lame Duck President 1st Monday in March January 20th at Noon
Amendments Affecting President The 22nd Amendment 1932 1936 1940 1944
Amendments Affecting President What Now?? President? Acting Pres?
Congressional Amendments 16th: Let’s Tax Income! Prohibition Overview 18: Can’t drink 21: Can drink
15th: 17th: 19th: 23rd: 24th: 26th: Senators Women DC Citizens Voting Rights Important vocabulary: Suffrage Race Senators Women DC Citizens No Poll Tax 18-20-year-olds 15th: 17th: 19th: 23rd: 24th: 26th:
Civil War Amendments Judicial Rights 13…Abolished slavery Finish the Rest Civil War Amendments 13…Abolished slavery 14…Conferred & defined citizenship 15…Granted suffrage to ALL men Judicial Rights 11th…Lawsuits against the state remain in the state court system
The 14th Amendment is always a good answer! Major parts: Citizenship Equal Protection Clause Due Process Clause
Incorporation Definition: Process by which US courts have applied portions of the BOR to the states. What part of the 14th Amendment led to incorporation? Explain how. The Due Process clause of the 14th Amendment forbids states to deny any citizen life, liberty or property without due process of law. Are there other important parts to the 14th Amendment? Yes. The equal protection clause prevents states from passing discriminatory laws and forces them to treat all people equal. The 14th Amendment is ALWAYS a good answer when it comes to why states can be sued for abridging the rights of its citizens. It ensures that all citizens in all states have the same rights.
Concerned 1st Amendment rights of expression. Gitlow v. NY Concerned 1st Amendment rights of expression. States cannot interfere with a person’s freedom of speech and expression. Applied Speech and Expression to the states.
Gideon v. Wainwright Concerned the 6th Amendment. States must guarantee the right to an attorney if a person cannot afford one. Applied Right to Counsel to the states.
Mapp v. OH Concerned the 4th Amendment. States cannot use evidence that they seized without a valid warrant in court cases. Applied the use of search warrants to the states.
Miranda v. AZ Concerned the 5th Amendment & parts of the 6th Amendment. States cannot interrogate a person without first reading them their rights and they must be told of their right to counsel. Applied the right of no self-incrimination to the states.
Brown v. Topeka BOE Concerned the 9th Amendment implied right to education (unenumerated). States cannot have separate facilities for black and white children. Applied equal protection of laws to the states.
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