What’s on the Horizon? The MSCA from 2014 onwards


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Presentation transcript:

What’s on the Horizon? The MSCA from 2014 onwards Dr. Jennifer Brennan Marie Curie National Contact Point

Irish Universities Association Who are we? Representative body for the seven Irish Universities What do we do? Support the universities in developing sectoral policies and strategies What services do we offer to researchers? EURAXESS Ireland Irish Marie Curie Office Available to Universities, IOTs, Research Centres and Companies

Irish Marie Curie Office Sponsored by the Irish Research Council (www.research.ie) Promote the Actions to Irish researchers and research organisations Support researchers in preparing funding applications Contribute to policy initiatives relevant to the Actions

Marie Curie Actions, an Irish Success Story €571 million Ireland’s “Take” from FP7 to-date €83 million Portion of this secured via Marie Curie (2nd Largest FP7 Income-Stream) €25 million Funding to support research training for postgraduate students 272 Irish Marie Curie Contracts Signed 5 Among the top 5 performing MS in 2012 Calls Data based on Contracts signed as of July 2013

Marie S-Curie Actions Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions in Horizon 2020: Training Mobility Career €6.1 billion budget Funds all research areas (no thematic calls or priorities) Implemented via Annual Calls for Proposals

Which subject areas have been most successful for Ireland? Chemistry Economic Sciences ICT & Engineering Earth & Environment Life Sciences Maths Physics Social Sciences & Humanities Data for Ireland as of July 2013

Innovative Training Networks Research & Innovation Staff Exchange ITN Innovative Training Networks RISE Research & Innovation Staff Exchange COFUND Co-funding for national programmes to fund doctoral and post-PhD researchers IF Individual Fellowships

MSCA Individual Fellowships Funding for Principal Investigators

Individual Fellowships A personal fellowship to support a period of mobility For Experienced Researchers Post-PhD or equivalent No upper age or experience limit Fully-funded fellowships Salary, research costs etc. Minimum duration 1 year

IF – European and Global Mobility rule Cannot apply for a fellowship in a country where you have lived for >12 months in the 3 years before the Call deadline European Fellowships 1 – 2 years Global Fellowships 2 – 3 years

MSCA Funding for PIs Principal Investigators forming international and/or inter-sectoral research networks to support research training and knowledge transfer ITN: Innovative Training Networks RISE: Research and Innovation Staff Exchange COFUND: Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes NIGHT: European Researchers’ Night

Innovative Training Networks Quality of Research Training Research Training Programme for Masters’ and Doctoral Students Improving career prospects Equipping with a broad range of research and transferable skills Promoting Mobility during research training (international and inter-sectoral) Continuation of FP7 ITN with some new aspects 3 types of ITN

Intersectoral involvement is required for all 3 ITN modes

Inter-Sectoral Co-operation Academic <-> Non-Academia Academic: consists of public or private higher education establishments awarding academic degrees, public or private non-profit research organisations whose primary mission is to pursue research, and international European interest organisations Non-Academia: includes any socio-economic actor not included in the academic sector and fulfilling the requirements of the Horizon 2020 Rules for Participation. e.g. Industry (incl. SMEs), charities, NGOs, government/public bodies, national archives, libraries…………

Research & Innovation Staff Exchange Promoting transfer of knowledge between countries and sectors Three types of RISE award: International “staff” exchanges between Europe and non-European countries Inter-sectoral “staff” exchanges between different sectors in Europe (no intra-national exchanges) Combination of the above Funds exchange visits from 1 month to 1 year and networking activities (workshops, meetings, conferences etc.)

Academia Academia Academia Non-academia Non-academia Non-academia MS/AC MS/AC TC Academia Academia Academia Non-academia Non-academia Non-academia

COFUND Increasing Marie Curie opportunities for researchers by co-funding regional, national and international programmes Over 175 co-funded programmes funded via FP7 All are fellowships programmes (post-PhD researchers or equivalent) 8 in Ireland: majority are run by funding agencies except RCSI, UCD and DOCTRID (intellectual disability charity) Commission pays for 40% of the programme cost

National Contribution Award Holder Programme EU Contribution (40%) National Contribution (60%) University College Dublin UCD ENERGY-21 €1.8M €2.8M UCD Energy 21 Built on one of UCD’s 4 research themes: Earth Sciences, Energy and the Environment UCD will award 21 fellowships for Experienced Researchers to work at UCD – all fellowships include a secondment outside Ireland Marie Curie COFUND award provides 40% co-funding from the Commission 60% own funding came from a pool of funds earmarked for the UCD Energy Institute – mix of sources including philanthropic and industry funding

COFUND in Horizon 2020 Horizon 2020 will offer co-funding for: Doctoral Training/Scholarship programmes Fellowship programmes (post-PhD or equivalent) Staff exchange programmes (post 2015) Co-funding rate is ~40% If you have funding for 10 postdocs/PhD students, you can apply to turn that into funding for 20!

Irish Research Council ELEVATE IRC has a COFUND award to support the ELEVATE International Career Development Fellowships ELEVATE is 40% Co-Funded by Marie Curie Actions Fund all disciplines covered by IRC. Programme is entirely managed by IRC Awardees are considered “Marie Curie Fellows” 3 year fellowships – two years outside Ireland, one year back Non-academic hosts are preferred http://www.research.ie/funding/postdoctoral-funding

NIGHT European Researchers’ Night A European-wide public and media event to promote research careers 4th Friday of September each year Full or part-funding available Relevant for Education & Outreach aspects of Centres Discover Research Night 2013 TCD and Royal Irish Academy award in 2013 NIGHT Call Involving the public in a night of fascinating research activity, linking history and the arts to technology, science and digital media.

Reasons to get involved in Marie S-Curie Actions Build Links with Research Groups and Industry Worldwide Increase number of research students & staff Attracting Leading & Up-and-Coming Researchers Fund a Sabbatical Abroad (up-skill for ERC) Significant co-financing opportunity through COFUND

Deadlines 2014 CALL Opening Date Closing Date H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 11-Dec-2013 9-Apr-2014 H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014 24-Apr-2014 H2020-MSCA-IF-2014 12-Mar-2014 11-Sep-2014 H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2014 10-Apr-2014 2-Oct-2014 Draft Work Programme is available on EU’s Horizon 2020 Website (Official Documents Section) Final version will be available 11th December 2013. Describes the Calls in 2014 and 2015.

mariecurie@iua.ie www.iua.ie/mariecurie Thank you! mariecurie@iua.ie www.iua.ie/mariecurie