Survey on Rights Review Committees Sandra McCullagh Inclusion Ireland
Why we did the survey To find out information on Rights Review Committees across Ireland. Where are they established? Who is involved? How are they working?
How we did the survey Literature search Input from Steering Group Circulated by Hiqa
Responses to the survey Total participants = 28 From all over Ireland All kinds of services People of all ages All kinds of support needs
Committees or groups in operation across the country Qualitative responses (other groups?) 1. The Organisation is managed by a Board of Directors representing all stakeholders 2. Our Rights Review Committee is now known as the Human Rights Committee 3. Quality Enhancement Committee; Audit Committee 4. Parents & Family Information Sessions 5. Personal Plan Development Group, Training Committee, Adverse Events Committee, Referrals Committee, Short Breaks Planning Forum, Etc.
Rights Review Committees A Rights Review Committee reviews cases, incidents, policies or procedures relating to the rights of people using services 64% (n=18) have a Rights Review Committee
About the Rights Review Committee – Length of time in operation
Number of people represented by the Rights Review Committee
How Rights Review Committees are working 88% said people using service knew about the existence of the rights committee 27% are part of a Service Level Agreement with the HSE 7% part of a Contract of Care 13% part of both
How Rights Review Committees are working 69% of committees meet monthly Committees have between 7-12 people (one participant reported 10- 23)
Who is on Rights Review Committees?
Average number of people in each role
Who chairs the committee? External independent person - 50% Staff member - 37% Manager – 13%
Support for people to participate 87% said that there were supports available for people to participate Supports include: talking through an issue with an advocate, family, or staff; accompany person to meeting, use of social stories, visuals, communicative aids. Almost one fifth of respondents thought people were not supported to bring issues to the committee
Support for people to participate 25% said there was a budget to support the work of the Rights Committee 59% of Committee members have received training to support them in their role
Keeping people informed All Committees take minutes but only around half publish them Less than half (44%) said there is a mechanism for reviewing decisions made by the Committee 73% said there was a mechanism for appealing decisions
Examples of good practice Use of independent advocates Meetings outside service Use of law and policy to guide practice - UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Act 2015
Room for improvement Balance - more representation of people using services Number of people being represented by each Committee Better sharing of information Spread of Rights Review Committees (almost 40% had none)
Thank you for listening! Thank you to the people who participated in the survey and to Hiqa for sending the survey to service providers.