Roles available: President Vice President Secretary Assistant Secretary Treasurer Assistant Treasurer The role of the P&C is to represent the community in supporting the Hamilton Public School's employees and students to have the best possible educational experience. The P&C strongly believe in engaging and interacting with children and the parents and citizens of our community. The Hamilton Public School P&C has a proud history of working as an active and harmonious body working towards shared goals. The P&C welcomes diversity – diversity of skills, backgrounds and gender. Being involved in the P&C is a way of involving yourself in your child’s educational opportunities and experiences. All positions need to be filled at the AGM on Wednesday, 7th September 2016. See role descriptions overleaf. Feel free to contact current members with ANY queries:
The roles we need to fill ….. Time commitment for meetings – 2 meetings a term + 1 AGM per year Meetings are currently held on a Wednesday twice a term from 6-7.30pm. Babysitting provided. Calendar worked out at the start of the school year by the P&C Exec. President The P&C President has the role of providing leadership to the parent community which includes having an awareness of parental concerns and expectations and being an active participant in the school's planning and priority setting. The President's responsibilities include: formulating the annual objectives for the P&C and delegating duties in order to achieve this plan; chairs P&C meetings and represents P&C in regular meetings with the School Principal. The President may also represent the P&C by attending Regional P&C Association meetings. Vice President – there can be two VPs The P&C Vice President is to support the President and other committee members as well as to the school. The Vice President takes an active role in assisting with any events being organised by one of the sub-committees and escalating and resolving any issues encountered at the sub-committee level; be prepared to take on independent projects as required from time-to-time; attend the P&C meetings and assist with issues arising; be prepared to take minutes in the absence of the secretary. You may be called upon to relieve the P&C president in their absence. Treasurer The key role of the Treasurer is to manage the planning and tracking of the financial results of the P&C, ensuring the P&C is complying with the Australian Accounting standards. An accounting background is ideal for this role. The treasurer maintains financial records for the P&C, prepares financial reports for the presentation at P&C meetings twice a term; oversees payment of P&C accounts and invoices (joint signatory); checks bank reconciliations at month-end and throughout the year; prepares books and accounts for audit as required; maintains P&C insurances and provides high-level analytical review of financial results. Secretary The Secretary provides the principal administration of the Association. They contribute significantly to the organisation and smooth running of the P&C and to maintaining transparent communications within the school community through accurate minute taking. Typical duties include taking minutes and distributing information. Maintaining and archiving a continual record of the business of the P&C in an appropriate format. Write letters as needed; collect, review and distribute incoming mail; attend executive and P&C meetings. Must be willing to receive queries from school community and direct appropriately. Manages and maintains the 'Skoolbag' app (for the P&C) with up-to-date information. May also be required to produce flyers as required for social/fundraising events. Role of the Assistant Secretary Works with the Secretary. Role of the Assistant Treasurer Works with the treasurer Feel free to contact current members with ANY queries: