Sana Malhoa Hotel, Lisbon, Portugal: 5–7th May 2016 Lupus Academy 6th Annual Meeting: Case Study Submissions Sana Malhoa Hotel, Lisbon, Portugal: 5–7th May 2016 @LupusAcademy
Case Study Brief Your case study should be submitted before April 15th 2017 and will be reviewed within 10 days, after which you will receive a notification (before May 1st 2017) if your case is accepted for discussion at the 6th Annual Meeting’s Meet the Professor Session Using this slide template, please provide an overview of your case including, a bulleted summary of each ‘case’ (see headings) in your case, photos (as needed) and slide notes (if more detail is required) Cases should include: Patient presentation, history, work-up (clinical/laboratory), treatment, outcome, next steps and/or discussion points/questions Please ensure patient confidentiality and only use generic drug names as cases may be used in further educational activities by the Lupus Academy* These activities would include online archiving of case study materials, which may be accessed by members of the Lupus Academy Please complete a right of use transfer form (which can be downloaded from our website and return to, indicating any content that should not be used as part of the Lupus Academy’s educational activities
Patient Presentation
Patient History
Diagnostic Work-up: Clinical Findings
Diagnostic Work-up: Laboratory Findings
Next Steps
Key Discussion Points/Questions
Your Details Title Name Qualifications Institution Email Speciality Years’ of Practice Are you willing to participate in a post-meeting survey in relation to your clinical practice and case submission?