Top Tips to Tendering
Prepare for the tendering process Welcome to the Supplier Development Programme Prepare for the tendering process One of the most noticeable differences between the public sector and the private sector is that doing business with the former normally requires sets of documentation. Even though the documentation tends to be reasonably standard, there is usually plenty of it. It is also important not to overlook the task of reading and understanding standards that may vary (for example, from council to council). With experience, fulfilling these requirements becomes easier, but good preparation can help well-seasoned and fresh business-makers alike.
Supplier Development Programme Welcome to the Supplier Development Programme Take your time It’s a good idea to allow more time than you think you need to complete your proposal. No matter how well you have planned your process, something might go wrong. What if some of your materials are outdated and you need a new insurance certificate? What if one of your key staff becomes sick or has personal reasons to need a day off? What if another key customer suddenly needs your full and undivided attention? For these reasons, leave yourself as much time as possible. Think ahead, build in a margin, and make the necessary arrangements.
Supplier Development Programme Create a documentation library Welcome to the Supplier Development Programme Create a documentation library Create an in-house library of documents usually needed for submitting a bid. Having key documents to hand will save considerable time and effort during the process. Since outdated documents are useless in the bidding process, you need to review these every 6 months to ensure the "library" is updated. Documents in the library can include, for example, company background data, company policy documents, technical details and case studies. Why not create a standard outline for your proposals, which also works as a checklist of all the documents that need to be submitted?
Create a tender register Welcome to the Supplier Development Programme Create a tender register It’s important to learn from your past mistakes. Whether or not your bid has been successful, document the process – after spending all that time and effort in preparing your bids, you want to benefit from the experience. Also, file any bids you decide not to submit after all, with the reasons you came to that decision. Look out for the Contract Award notice ( or ensure you ask the Buyer for the details) as this will help you monitor what is going on in your market, and which competitors to watch. All this will help you to review your tendering strategy, to identify new opportunities, and to track improvement in your performance.
Supplier Development Programme Welcome to the Supplier Development Programme Tender Awareness Ensure that you have signed up for Public Contracts Scotland – PCS Complete your profile and publish it on line. Make sure you a re registered with the Supplier Development Programme – SDP raising awareness of Supplier engagement days, Meet the Buyer events and tender training.
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