Innovation? OECD - Oslo Manual: „An innovation is the implementation of a new or significantly improved product (good or service), or process, a new marketing method, or a new organisational method in business practices, workplace organisation or external relations.“ Europe 2020 - Innovation Union: Change that speeds up and improves the way we conceive, develop, produce and access new products, industrial processes and services. Changes that create more jobs, improve people‘s lives and build greener and better societies“
Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Space Source: adapated from Global Competitiveness Report 2010/2011 4
The policy context The UfM / UpM : Horizons 2020 , Relevant Projects & initiatives : ASBIMED, MED7, ESTIME, MEDA, Medibtikar, ANIMA etc Barcelona process 1995 : creation of (EMFTA) by 2010 Euro-MED Partnership The UfM / UpM : Horizons 2020 , Association Agreements : transfer of new technologies + dissemination of know how + industrial cooperat European Neighbourhood Policy (Instruments): ENPI ERA & FP7 (EMRA?) , Lisbon Strategy 2000: A series of schemes and initiatives The instrument: the Monitoring Committee of the EU-MPC cooperation in RTD (MoCo),
EMIS (MIRA WP 8) RA, AM, … EMIS Charter (poiltical /strategic documents) MPC INNOVATION ANALYSIS Mapping actors / stakeholders MIRA FP7 Training - Organisation - Procedures - Nat. Corresp. JMG, AM, … IA, AM, HZ, … RTD projects (FP7-WP2011) IA, RN, AM, … EMIS WEBSITE EMIS WG RESEARCH DRIVEN CLUSTERS NETWORKING TT / EEN ANIMA- Invest Tech Platforms Diasporas Twinning Water Clusters INSTITUTIONAL COOPERATION IA, RN, … DGENTR, … IA, RN, … EMIS Fora 2010-2011 IA, RN, JH, YK, …
Objective of EMIS The mobilization of innovation stakeholders in common framework and mutually beneficial partnership to develop a more intelligent and competitive Euro-Med space.
Tasks of EMIS Identification of stakeholders and development of EMIS discussion platform Setting up EMIS Fora (RDC) Mediterranean Technology Transfer Network (workshops) Promotion of EC & MPC networks Monitoring and dissemination of EMIS activities
Monitoring and Analysis EMIS Activities Innovation Levels Context related Innovation (e.g. governance, framework conditions, policies, infrastructures) Process related Innovation (e.g. technology transfer, knowledge generation, knowledge application and integration) Objective related Innovation (e. g. new products, services, new projects) Macro-Level Meso-Level Micro-Level Monitoring and Analysis Institutional co-operation, Networking, sharing knolwedge, benchmarking (e.g. MoCo, DG Enterprise, EIB) Research driven Cluster, EMIS Fora, Technology Platform Co-operation, Technology Transfer, link to BILAT and Inco Net projects, Cluster Observatory Sharing Knowledge, Capacity Building, (e.g. FP-training) Firms & Entrepreneurship, Networking (strategic partners ANIMA, EIB) 5-6 November 2012 MIRA - WBC INCONET
EMIS Research and Innovationsystems Framework Conditions in the EMIS finances, taxation, incentives, mobility… Demand Market, consumer, producers EMIS Industrial Systems EMIS Education/ Research Systems EMIS Political Systems EMIS Intermediaries, TT-Agencies Infrastructure in the EMIS Banking, venture capital, IPR, information, innovation and business support, standards and norms
Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Space Innovation in the region Mediterranean Partner Countries: low amounts spent by countries on research and development have a negative impact on Arab innovation performance in quantitative and qualitative terms Outside of educational institutions, countries have made only modest efforts to transfer knowledge to the general public or to transfer either locally produced or imported knowledge to the production and service sectors Heterogeneous structures and capabilities 12
Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Space Drivers for innovation Public/private support for renewable energies (Plan Solaire, DESERTEC, Mediterranean Solar Plan) Offshoring of ICT services to the MENA region (Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Morocco, Turkey) Growing automotive sector as part of the supply chain for the European market (Morocco, Tunisia) Health services? Ongoing demand for innovation in the agricultural sector due to water scarcity, pollution, … 13
Contributions to a wider MED picture Joint CMI-EC-EIB workshop for Mediterranean Research Centers Managers: “Strategy for internationalization and research valorization”(Marseille, October 3-6) DG Enterprise Workshop on Support for Euro-Med industrial co-ooperation supporting Dimension 6 of the Euro-Med Charter for Enterprise (Milan 24 -26th October)
DG Enterprise Workshop on Support for Euro-Med industrial co-ooperation supporting Dimension 6 of the Euro-Med Charter for Enterprise (Milan 24 -26th October) The objectives of this study were to: How could Mediterranean countries benefit/learn from the case studies presented? What knowledge or results can possibly be transferred into the Mediterranean countries? Are there any best practices that can be added to the EuroMed good practice database? How can they be selected and described? Are there any tools that can be added to the directory of online tools to progress under the Charter? How can Mediterranean countries implement guidelines of the Charter? How can Mediterranean countries evaluate their progress under the Charter in 2011-2012?
Euro-Mediterranean charter for Enterprise Contains the common principles on which the Mediterranean partners can base enterprise policy: Simple procedures for enterprise Education and training for entrepreneurship Improved skills Easier access to finance and investment-friendly taxation Better market access Innovative companies Strong business associations Quality business support schemes and services Strengthening Euro-Mediterranean networks and partnerships Clear and targeted information
Thank you for your attention Arturo Menéndez MIRA Mediterranean Innovation and Research Cooperation Action 7th Framework Programme INCO-Net